T – MOD Tracers By Bitt-Five & JustDj T – MOD Tracers By Bitt-Five & JustDj

– finally working free tracers !!!

– for the mod to work properly you need to set EFFECTS TO MAX !!!


18 thoughts on “ T – MOD Tracers By Bitt-Five & JustDj

  1. DO not download, the file is an executable so likely to be a virus, the only format you should get is in a compress format like winrar and that is a drag and drop installation.

  2. why do people release mods that dont work your slacking pkmods, you should test mods before you say they are ready

    1. As usual, after testing proven that the MOD WORKS !!!
      Set effects to maximum and stop playing with low settings.
      You should check your stuff before commenting.

      1. listen i play on ultra settings my pc had a encore rating of 31k so nothing is on low settings here give me another excuse. tracers worked fine in you say they work post a screenshot of them working with a new tank firing them 277 or k91.

  3. works fine – but shows only tracers of friendly tanks, and SPOTTED enemy tanks, which is usleless 🙂

    1. The stock game is not displaying any tracers from unspotted tanks, thus no mod can do it for you.

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