Stealthz Pack V.9.2.
Active until: 01.04.25.
– contains literally every separated cheat mod you need, from Tundra, to RedBalls.
– from the installer you can choose which mods you need in your own setup
– all-in-one Stealthz mods installer with cash cleaning
internal error is happening throughout the installation
He needs an administrator. And if you give an administrator, he will install the trojans through mods. Antiviruses do not detect Trojans in python mods.
He needs an administrator.
And if you give an administrator, he will install the trojans through mods.
Antiviruses do not detect Trojans in python mods.
I get internal error and that the images are missing, how to fix?!
same. error happened
Internal error: ExtractTemporaryFile: The file “weirdletters.bmp” was not found
we need a new version
internal error appears when trying to install mods
“ Stealthz Pack *” : link broken
Tested now, all working normally…
how do we get this in English?
It is in English, the installer, some mods are just hard coded in RU, no way around it..
mediafire link is broken.
Link tested, all working normally….
it says (some random stuff) file not found
Hey! Update under the pack please
why i cant Selected components:
doesnot install properly and it crashes client
useless mod
not working pictures not loading and create error
not working update it to
not working
Hey admin,
I tried to install the mod pack, but every time when I tried to select a mod, I get an internal error. Any chance to fix this ?
PS: Please check the website link, include a screenshot of the error.
Doesn’t work anymore. Crashes game on startup. Tried on 2 systems, i7 2600k & 5950x.
when we will see the update to version ?
udpate do 1.18 please
It will take time, ton of changes to the game…
sure, we are waiting, good luck
Thank you…
thank you, great job <3
Thank you for your patience, this update is a pain in the ass with errors. We really had to remake most mods from zero
The whole world has already updated their mods.
No, they did not….
Can”t use this on NA server! Can’t find folders it need that are in a different language.
Internal error: ExtractTemporaryFile: The file “weirdletters.bmp” was not found
Current version not working
just to point out that I downloaded the latest version 1.19.0 .0 before installing it I did as recommended removing the old one but now the game opens and closes immediately to test I ‘ve deleted and I work fine
just to point out that I downloaded the latest version 1.19.0 .0 before installing it I did as recommended removing the old one but now the game opens and closes immediately to test I ‘ve deleted and I work fine
How do you change keybind for “deleting objects that are being shot”?
the game turns off every time i go on sniper mod
Give me 10min, I got the new fixed version on upload…
Can this mod pack be determined by wargaming? What is the ban eating situation?
Let’s be 100% honest so there are no hard feelings.
No mod in the world is 100% safe. Anyone claiming that is a liar. Period.
Because detection is done via statistical data and NOT by some specialized software (like BattleEye etc)
More details can be found here:
ZJ mods author: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2F4cheat.ru%2Fshowpost.php%3Fs%3D4281637e38a258d669effd1b84fff028%26p%3D1433387%26postcount%3D2070
Me: https://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/10630-banned-from-wot-using-aslains/&do=findComment&comment=57266
The users can still act a bit more suspicious and get banned. Like catching targets which are miles away, or behind substantial cover. Shooting at unspotted arty markers. Shooting on targets beyond render range. Posting a replay in which anyone with minimal knowledge how Tundra works can spot the weird way of aiming on targets (we don’t need to search for the target, we know exactly where it will pop out, we know where the stone is, we can exactly pre aim even behind dense foliage, etc…)
But again, I cannot guarantee that WG will not develop some new tool and ban all users tomorrow.
So, if you want to be 100% safe – DON’T USE ANY MODS.
doest work – 4cheat.ru.direction_indicator_extended.wotmod
hi there, is all in russia language …i dnt understand possible in english ?????
hi there,
possible in english is all in russia
It’s in English: https://prnt.sc/_JFQy9-_a8bu
adjustments only in russian language ????
It’s in English: https://prnt.sc/_JFQy9-_a8bu
The settings in the AIMBOT game are in Russian. Can I switch to general English? I can’t understand the settings in Russian
bonjour quand serra disponible Stealthz Pack pour la nouvelle version je vous remercier par avance
i think is old dowloadlink inside , after installing nothing appears ingame
Link is fine…
yoo does this still work
You can literally see that is updated, why the question ????
hey i run into an error that the install folder is not specified in which folder should i download it
no get
what ?
Works for me. Thank you. Although as a noob, a description of each mod would be helpful.
Événement: Le lancement de l’application a été interdit.
Module: Prévention des intrusions
Résultat de description: Bloqué
Type: Accès aux paramètres de sécurité
Nom: Droits
Niveau de menace: Élevé
Raison: Droits
vénement: Un objet a été supprimé
Module: Prévention des intrusions
Résultat de description: Supprimé
Type: Cheval de Troie
Nom: UDS:Trojan.Win32.Manuscrypt
Niveau de menace: Élevé
Stop using free antivirus (Zone Alarm is utter BS, BTW), analyzed seconds ago: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/YmQ3NGRjZWQzZDY0ODdlNGZjMDk3YWQ2YzAyNTY4NzE6MTcwMjMxMzc3Mw==
ses ca j’allait te le dire! tu fou des lien avec plein de virus. et ses a moi la faute, j’utilise un antivirus PAYANT Kaspersky pro NE PAS TELECHARGER ! cheval de Troie qui bloque tout le pc obliger de le désinfecter complètement
And you got a shitty antivirus, so what’s new ?
regarde ton lien ptn même lui il indique un trojan !! réfléchi un peu mec
2 security vendors and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious
From ONE vendor, if you are that F paranoid, don’t use mods, Jesus. I just love people who don’t even spend ONE second actually THINKING why is this happening.
Is this paid mod?
Totally free…
Tundra not working
Tested, working. So either you did something wrong, or/and something on your PC is not as it should be…
Tundra i dalje ne radi radila je odlično do neki dan reinstalirao sam mod i sve ali i dalje ništa
U modu nista nije menjano od 20.12.23. Tako da sta god se desilo, kod tebe…
nisam ni ja ništa mijenjao samo prestalo raditi samo od sebe ne moguće da sam ja nešto mijenjao godinama koristim već vaše modove i ovo je prva godina da mi ovako ni jedna tundra ne želi raditi ni webber ni jappanomat, ova je radila 2 dana i opet sama od sebe prestala
Jedino ako su se prepunili cash fajlovi. Skini WMCleaner (imas ga ovde na sajtu), isprati proceduru na stranici…
is it possible to change in ingame ui from russian to english?
If the hangar menu allows it yes….
(lower right corner button, next to the hangar notifications button)
Because you are a dumbass (claiming something you literally have NO IDEA what it is) and I don’t like profanities here.
Windows defender is the most useless way of protecting your PC. It will flag stuff for literally no reason. Simple example: installing Total Commander with all addons will trigger WD. Go figure…
Microsoft, being useless since Win XP
3/66 is no indication of anything.
It’s just over paranoid AV, nothing more.
You can now stop spreading paranoia and misleading info (because, you have NO IDEA what you are talking about).
not working, till loading screen to 50 % then back to WINdows
not working, till loading screen to 50 % then back to Windows
same here
Stats are creating a bug, just don’t select the last mod on the list. I will fix it today…
I’ll let you know when it done.
Thank you for letting me know…
Done, stats are totally removed. WG API cannot cooperate…
You should all be banned directly for even downloading this.
And what are you doing here ?
it cant find world of tank file
Did you set the correct folder where the game is ?
CTD, all the time not working since weeks
dnt work for month, allways CTD
Stats are creating a bug, just don’t select the last mod on the list. I will fix it today…
I’ll let you know when it done.
Thank you for letting me know…
Done, stats are totally removed. WG API cannot cooperate…
thx bro for doin great job
keep it up
Bkav Pro W32.AIDetectMalware VirusTotal to wykrył.
Stop using free antivirus !!!
how to upgrade trial version?
mute enemy hits seems to be turned on even when i dont turn it on in the newest version
same here
enemy hits muted how to turn them on?
Do you have any other mods beside Stealthz ?
Try deleting ALL from folder: X:\Games\World_of_Tanks_EU\res\audioww\
Then, run integrity check with WG game center: https://prnt.sc/McmVaE0047qD
i installed fresh wot it work fine, after instaling steath sound doesnt work
OK, let me check everything.
My apologies, there has to be something what I’m missing here…
after update still no sounds
And a user with zero understanding how and what mods work…
how to get in settings
crashes when start game
could this be included in the pack? Shadow By Stealthz (4 variants) *
It is, Shadows https://prnt.sc/8RxO7voTBMue
These 3 mods show up in hangar. what do i click to get the 3d penetration models? dont understand russian
There are NO penetration 3D models…
but you said “ Shadow By Stealthz (4 variants) *v” was in the pack and its got 3d models?
3d models of tanks that have been spotted and THEN disappeared from spot.
Not penetration 3d models..
Then he should update his mod and remove the pictures of 3d models
Those are SHADOW 3D models…
this is a pic of the mod, thats what i call 3d penetration mod. u get what im looking at? maybe i name it wrong
this is my installed mods
should u use report blocker to be more safe?
Why not, one more thing to not worry about..
is reload timer not working anymore? i install it from the pack but not showing up
need help translate from russian
Use google lens to translate text in pictures…
how aimbot works?
Right click, just as auto aim…
ah so it targets weak armor. sometimes i cant shoot and a red text in russian comes up on screen is that because its aiming at a red plate?
The price of free mods
which of the files should i remove if i want to get rid off the aimbot mod?
Uninstall everything, install NOT selecting the aimbot..
sorry but i cant find uninstaller?
Which button do we need to press to turn on tundra mode?
By default NumPad5
rentgen is not working correctly. outlines turn purple when tanks are still behind something
virus detected by browser
By browser ?
For the love of God, what are you using as protection ???
(better get a crystal ball, it will do a better job..)
Same file tested: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/89ae1dd596c06d45cd2366aec88f3c071952c29b605ecdc3f61f4fdea863b5f6
how can i change settings?
i dont have numpads and cant use the tundra..
Hangar, lower right corner, just left of the notifications button…
Hi, after a few games at the beginning of the game it throws me to windows, why?
Who knows.
Can be 100 different things.
From other mods (if you use them) to old cash files…
Ok thx but this only happens after installing these mods, clearly they are causing this problem.
Tundra quit working. Tried all other versions and they too don’t work. WOT was not updated as far as I know. Friend also has same issue diff computer. Love some info on what is going on.
Happened so randomly, as if out of the blue.. everything is up to date..
Where put that ?
Yeah, Tundra stopped working for me aswell.
Hello i need english in mod how? i am from czech rep. and the game is ins czech language and the mod get russian language can i set english ?
The price of free mods
No localization, only the installer…
You can use google translate from your phone (just point the camera into text you need translated).
Are you going to make 1.27.1 version?
When it’s published, why waste time on a test version, it will be used by at best 100 users…
I am just asking because you aren’t getting any compensation, it’s is understandable if you don’t feel like doing it at some point.
Stealthz is getting compensated for his works by us, so no worries. Until this site is alive (and it’s been more that 10 years now if you take into account the old “blogger” hosted version) and Stealthz is doing mods for WoT, this should be alive and kicking
Do you know of any mods that are like wot blitz armor highlight (Red if you can’t pen and normal if you can).
Chameleon, no free version is available…
tundra doesnt work on chopper tank donno why
Tundra don’t work on copper tank, but works on other tanks, can you fix it please?
Does this mode really expire 1 day after u install it or thats some automated message?
It gets updated here every 10 days…
Working Febuary 25
tundra dont work on chopper
hi mr pkmods the tundra sniper is not working
tundra crash game
hi there , nothing really functionally inside tundra wnt work , aimbot wnt, etc etc
nothing works propper YFI ………….
tundra not working
tundra doesnt work
its not working on british double cannon tanks so not fixed
Clean old files…
Pack is tested and working normally…
clean instal, new version of game, still doesnt work on tanks like chopper
Antivirus shows: Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml
Saw this aswell, I wonder if they are trying to rat people to get accounts.
Hi everyone, does anyone know if people can see the mod’s working if they are observing you after they die in battle, OR if they can see the mod’s working from a replay? thanks (only asking as i am new to these mod’s)