Shadow By Stealthz (4 variants) * Shadow By Stealthz

4 variants:

– Chameleon

– Normal tank model

– Painted tank model

– Semitransparent tank model

22 thoughts on “ Shadow By Stealthz (4 variants) *

  1. Warning, this mode have a bitcoin miner inside. Try task manager when play and you will see 8-9 processes in world of tank named cef subprocess browser. But program have an autostop function when you open task manager so you have 5 -12 seconds to watch its runing in background.

        1. You are talking about an issue that was present on free mods about 2-3 years ago…

          You want 100% certified mods, well, they will not be free…

          1. This is a free mod…
            So I cannot guarantee anything since I do not make it.
            But, bitcoin is dead for a long time, plus I had not similar bad comments about it for ages. (and even the shittiest antivirus will block it even if it has it).

  2. “All settings are in: WOT\res_mods\1.x.x\scripts\client\gui\mods\mod_shadow.xml”

    I dont have a scripts folder in my version folder. there’s also no xml file in the zip?

      1. Sorry, old file structure had that. This new one should have a hangar button, just near the hangar notifications button.

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