Hit Zones With Zoom Effect By ProTanki Hit Zones With Zoom Effect By ProTanki

Hit zones skins are activated ONLY when you are aiming on the tank.
Rest of the time, all tanks look as usual.

– two variants inside
– with zoom effect and always ON

Version With Zoom Effect:

35 thoughts on “ Hit Zones With Zoom Effect By ProTanki

  1. Today WoT have new ‘micro update’. Please test this mod in your PC , because fail at “model_08_part 2” at 11% decompress . Thanks, Regards

  2. Hi, will this work in a game client running standard render? I have save all of the files in the the correct folders but nothing shows up in game.

      1. No, 8, 9 and 10

        I didn’t think it should make any difference. I’ll delete everything and maybe try again later, thanks for your reply.


  3. No funciona, se buguea y desaparecen todos los tanques y te pone la camara como en el centro del mapa version del cliente

  4. Current version causes game crash when zooming in to T26E4 tank. Do not zoom if you see this tank or you will go back to desktop.

  5. Still not working properly. Maybe its not working with other mods, not tested… (i dont have any other visual/model mods. Just hitmaker, hpbar etc.)

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