Destroyed Objects On The Minimap And InGame By Stealthz * Destroyed Objects On The Minimap And InGame By Stealthz

Active until: 01.08.24.

All settings are in: res_mods\1.x.x.x\scripts\client\gui\mods\mod_destruction.xml

You can enable or disable sound notification by changing the following command line:

If you are interested in buying this mod with unlimited time licence, you can contact the mod author Stealthz over this email: volovikovi@gmail.com

59 thoughts on “ Destroyed Objects On The Minimap And InGame By Stealthz *

  1. Thanks, it works! But I have a problem – after leaving the battle to the garage, mod silences me on the computer in the options. Does anyone know what’s going on?

  2. Does not load, and I have no Idea what to do with the Error Message in Python.log
    Can anybody help?

    2018-05-03 17:33:34.096: INFO: [SL_PRO] Skipped Script: mod_destruction.pyc
    2018-05-03 17:33:34.096: INFO:
    2018-05-03 17:33:34.097: ERROR: [EXCEPTION] (, 392):
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “”, line 380, in _findValidMODs
    File “scripts/common/Lib/importlib/__init__.py”, line 37, in import_module
    File “mod_destruction”, line 1, in
    File “mod_destruction”, line 1, in
    File “mod_destruction”, line 1, in

    1. So here is what these mods ekspoint or stealthz do:

      -tries to execute beep.mp3
      -tries to access Adobe Flash Player.dmg
      -minimizing game and crashing cefbrowser.exe
      -this computer was blocked.htm have to cancel process 5 times and microsoft
      -security essentials flags it and stops its.

      1. Beep mp3 – sound notification for a minimap indicator.
        flash player needed to display indicator on the minimap.

        and ffs, stop using MS “security essentials”…

  3. This is the mod may be causing issues. Crashes with sound stuttering and game minimizing trying to run a few background things. I removed this mod last night and all is running well so far. Lets see if it continues with another session tonight.

    This is the only mod I removed so far.

    Ill report back but not on issue last night after removing mod

      1. I use Sandboxie. How do you run a specific in game file in a sand box.

        Or are you suggestion run the WOT’s client in a sand box ?

        I would like to start using this mod again but it tends to minimize my game client 5 times.

        Its a great mod BTW and in ranked battle were flanks are left wide open, this mod would help a lot. I really miss it.

        PKMOD’s is the best site on the internet for WOT mods.

    1. Hmmm, best guess: old cashed file or/and unpacking gone wrong.
      Cashed files can be cleaned with WMCleaner.
      Unpacking, I know this sound crazy, but just to be sure, the new file should be: https://prnt.sc/qiaigi
      (date should be the same)

  4. Be careful of this mod. This mod I believed is the one that gotflagged when I finally got banned 1 week after 9 years of using it.

    It was a great mod that probably increased my 59% WR by 2%

    An end to an era.

    Salute o7.

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  6. Hey PK, I tried this mod and it only works on the minimap, I can’t see the markers in game. I translated the xml config file and it says I need another script to be able to display the icon animations and the “modern” icons, do you know where I can find it ? Also I tried to turn on/off the classic/modern icons but it still doesn’t work in game, only on the minimap 🙁

  7. Hi, thanks for all your work it’s much appreciated.
    But today 11 march download it’s not working: down.wotspeak.org refused to connect.

      1. PK thx for the fast reply and solving. Before writing to you I have put moscow location with VPN and still didn’t work.
        Good luck on the battlefield 🙂

    1. Hi mate, no…
      No one can see any part of the UI except you. Mod is acting locally, so only you can see any effect or hear any sound being generated by the mod.
      Just be careful, do not ping the map when you see something is broken there and you will be fine…

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