pk is there away to get this mod in english please
Umm, to be honest it should be in English (since it detects which language you use in the game client). Or maybe just ZJ stopped doing it for the free version. (pls do correct if I’m wrong).
There is no way to externally force it to English, all those UI function are “baked in” into the mod files…
I tried to renew my pack with Zorrojan, he ignores my emails and my messages to his customer support, PayPal will not work and as a result my account runs out tomorrow. what pack has decent customer care and accepts paypal?
Mr. PK I have a ? i use to use avsmods and they did a re design 1 year ago of their files and I can not get their script file to run on my Mac computer it will not let wot game load up but it works great in window computers but not on Mac anymore so I am going to use this zj mod it is working so far on the trial version but I have to ask if you buy full version it say you can make changes to in the text files but I need to know if it is in English as well?
Or you are so dumb that you cannot overwrite correctly.
You do understand that I get these links directly from ZJ. So either you are useless or ZJ. All my money are on you. So pls, next time don’t even bother commenting.
Greetings, got an error with this update, it said:
[ZJ] Marker Re-Load v0.9.21 build 085
The current patch not supported!
Please update modification!
along with reload and contour
pls help, thanks in advance 07
You did something wrong and judging from your comment I know you did.
Honestly what does it matter which version of Win10 you got ?
You do understand that now most users use win 10 ?
You see anyone else hawing problems ?
Funguje jak má !!!! Jako vždy . Jen se mi zdá že po této aktualizaci čas od času sám od sebe vypadne a musím ho znovu aktivovat . ALE NEJSEM SI JISTÁ JESTLI JE TO MODEM NEBO JE ZRADA NĚKDE JINDE. Ale jinak všechny mody fakčí jako vždy
“It works as it does !!!! As always . It just seems to me that after this update from time to time I get out of hand and I have to activate it again. But we are not sure if it is a modem or something else. But otherwise, all mods do as always” <— This is what he is saying
Yep, you should see some of the posts on 4cheat and some that I deleted here. Seriously, all coders should just stop for a week with the free stuff. Just to remind “people” that what they are getting is only good will. And thanks to that good will alone, WoT is playable…
For some reason even with the updated files it still shows the last expiry and doesn’t work. I’ve emptied the resmods folder with only the mod and it still doesn’t work and still shows that it’s expired on the 1.12.2018. the only time it works is with a fresh install of WOT. Hope someone can help.
I ran CCleaner and WMCleaner for the cashed files but it’s still stuck. I did an integrity check just in case but still. I tried a previous version of the mod (November) and that did show the expiry for the mod but trying the new mod still shows the last expiry. I think it’s some kind of log file that can’t update but i can’t find it.
Nothing. it seems to only work with a fresh install of WOT but the moment I put a newer version it shows the expiry of the last version. Ive tried a number of ways, a clean resmods folder shows no mods obviously, with the latest zj shows the last expiry, with the november zj shows the november expiry. So my best guess is that it’s a file or log or something in the main game folder that reads your mods but fails to update. As if it just reads the name and has already established the expiry ie. the november zj is any newer zj of still shows an expiry of 21.11.2018.
Can you instal total commander, it’s free and try unpacking with that.
Last idea 🙁
something wrong with the aimbot, doesnt work properly. cant aim to the right place, sometimes doesnt even aim to the tank. aims behind the stationary tank.
Its a nice mod and a very busy mod that need personal tweaking. My issue with it though is it doesnt lock on auto aim very well like Spoter’s advanced autoaim mod does.
A lot of work went in to this mod though. Hats off to ZJ for great other mods.
Ocisti cash fajlove u broseru.
Kada skines fajl, na njemu mora biti ovaj datum:
Ako nije, onda i dalje ti browser otvara stari fajl koji si skunuo ranije.
Am not here to complain about mod. Am here just to say from last patch this mod doesnt work properly. aiming at empty space,misscalculation for 1245768 miles from target,blocking shoots even if they 100% sure and best thing off all you miss tracked tank from 20ft if you aim with aimbot. I use it before and it was very good mod. Now i have to remove it because its not even bad, its unplayable.
1. Open main game folder (c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\)
2. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\profile\rfs_cache\, delete all files inside. Those are cashed files and deleting them will NOT harm WoT game client. (
3. Download WMCleaner from here: Start cleaner, scan (, select all options for cleaning (, hit delete and zip (, when prompted to backup select no (
4. Locate folder c:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\\ and delete all from there WoT related. (this folder is hidden, you will need to enable hidden files).
5. Restart PC
6. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. ( Send worldoftanks.exe to desktop ( Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP ( From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game.
7. Check the game client: Open game launcher, find Check And Repair option (, start ( Game will now check game files integrity ( This will take 1-5 min. Set the launcher options like this ( Close the game launcher by right clicking on the status icon in the lower right corner (
8. In game graphic settings disable auto-scaling 3D render option ( and set shadows quality to minimum or maximum value (
9. Restart PC.
10. Start game using the NEW shortcut.
Hello I have tried since yesterday that this car mod still works for me and nothing if there is any solution please let me know, I can only say that it had always worked for me and that since the update came, it does not even appear installed in the game and it’s weird because it is.
Clean cash files from your browser, download again.
I had the same issue today when testing links. The links was updated, but my browser was displaying old files.
XVM is sponsored by WG.
XVM can contain modules which will gather info what else you got on your system.
If you use forbidden mods, I would suggest to stay away from XVM. Because you simply never know what they will add into it.
If you use XVM just for player stats, you can switch to PFstats. Same crew as AVS, BW and PF mods is behind it. And in every way, it is a better solution than XVM.
merhaba aimbot şeytan eskiden daha iyi gemeç atılıyordu. şimdi haraketli odaklamdan dolayı atışlarda 3 atışta 1 tanesini vuruyor. odaklama hızını yavaş versiyonlu olsa daha iyi olurdu ben gerçi her zaman kullanmıyorum daha çok para kaybetmeme neden oluyor.
Clean cash files, the mod is fine.
1. Open main game folder (c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\)
2. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\profile\rfs_cache\, delete all files inside. Those are cashed files and deleting them will NOT harm WoT game client. (
3. Download WMCleaner from here: Start cleaner, scan (, select all options for cleaning (, hit delete and zip (, when prompted to backup select no (
4. Locate folder c:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\\ and delete all from there WoT related. (this folder is hidden, you will need to enable hidden files).
5. Restart PC
6. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. ( Send worldoftanks.exe to desktop ( Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP ( From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game.
7. Check the game client: Open game launcher, find Check And Repair option (, start ( Game will now check game files integrity ( This will take 1-5 min. Set the launcher options like this ( Close the game launcher by right clicking on the status icon in the lower right corner (
8. In game graphic settings disable auto-scaling 3D render option ( and set shadows quality to minimum or maximum value (
9. Restart PC.
10. Start game using the NEW shortcut.
This version … [ZJ] AimBot – Shaytan AimBOT Build 079 TRIAL By ZorroJan *
is being flagged by virus filters …
Detected: Trojan:Script/Conteban.A!ml
Seriously ?!?
1. Download links are provided by the author of the mod. They are universal for ALL web sites. So, you must be new to mods, especially ZJ mods.
2. Shaytan get around 30.000 downloads per patch. As you can see from the comments, there is always that one lone genius who “thinks” his Win Defender is actually doing something. Because why even bother getting a proper anti virus.
3. Actual file scan: Oh look, what a surprise, it is clean.
4. The warning you are getting is based on the actual web page from where your browser is downloading the file. And THE ONLY reason why this page is flagged is: servers are baser in the Russian Federation. Yea, great. Merica !!!!
And what have we (I hope) learned here today:
A. You MUST be new to mods, internet and downloading stuff.
B. Windows Defender is a useless crap.
C. The only “excuse” here is your lack of basic internet usage knowledge.
D. The only “shitty” part here is your ignorant attitude, period.
Relax there cupcake, you will get high blood pressure. And there is still so much to learn. For example how to download, how to install an antivirus or how NOT to use default MS defender crap.
Imagine, 30.000 plus people have no issues, but you… A medical miracle… We want to infect your PC… Jeez, too much TLC ?
i have been banned with 2 accounts in the last years, since then i only use drwebber/tundra.
this for about a year.
Has the mods technically done something to disguise, or are you still banned.
By the way, Tundra no longer works with Win 11.
You can start it, but when loading WOT it breaks.
Why would WG ban you by IP ?
They count on the fact that people will start a new WoT account. Play, spend time and money on the game. Keeping the online numbers high.
This is why WG is scumbag company. They DO NOT care about keeping the game fair, they only are about milking the player base…
First of all a BIG thank you for the wonderful work you do here, guys. Made wot a lot more fun. Anyway, this mod is not working anymore since it keeps giving the 1.14 message when loaded. 🙂
Hi mate, this mods gets updated every 10 days. It has been like that for the past 5+ years, so no worries. So, on the 20th or 21th a new version will be displayed on this same page with a expiration date 31.03.22. and so on…
Can you please stop auto-changing expire date on this mod? You are wasting our time not to mention that you are lying plain and simple. NOT working until 11.03 but 01.03 like everywhere else. pkmods is always the last to get version update and first to offer a fake one
Can i get help, i try to email Zorrojan and as for help but i get no reply, my modpack is finished on saturday and when i try to renew with paypal it will not work, what can i do? i get no reply or help last 2 weeks from customer care?
ZJ is busy with his pay-to-use mod pack, as soon as the update for that is done and polished, he will make the free version. Best guess, day or two, max…
And you will find this mod elsewhere how ?
This download link is created by Shaytans author, and only there will ANY update be posted. So, if I got it, no one will…
maybe but if he doesnt working with you that means that you wont have it either, so we have to search for another aimbot. Thats why i asked, do we HAVE to search another aimbot or you have news from him?
Anti hack code ? AHAHAHAHAHAHA, no. You are dead wrong. Try AVS, you will see everything is working. The problem is keeping the memory signature the same. Otherwise, it’s easily detectable…
And please stop spreading false information…
[ZJ] AimBot-Shaytan guncelleme almıcak mı kaç gun gecti 13 gün oldu hala güncelleme gelicek o kadar guncelleme bekliyor ne zaman güncelleme gelicek onu söyleyin beklemeyelim bizde ona göre baska mod deniyelim saygılar
Ummm, AVS is working, so is b4it, SAE also. The problem is that hey just need to figure out a way for the memory signature to stay the same. Otherwise, it’s will be easily detectable… mod when it is entered in res.mode, there is a problem and the game client crashes, it is not possible to enter the game, when the script is deleted, the game client works and starts the game normally
Crashes to desktop. Obviously not updated for He focus on the pay-to-use first,THEN on the free one, that’s ok. What I don’t get though, is why this is posted here when it doesn’t work?
Hi mate, ALL ZJ free mods need to be reinstalled every 10 days. As you can see from the post, every 10 days, new version is published, you installed this new version and keep on playing.
This has been like that for years…
Hi guys,
Thx for all the work you’ve been doing for us – I appreciate it really!
Can I ask if you could kindly check ZorroJan’s mod version as it is effectively expired while reading active until 21.06?
Thank you,
Hi mate, the files are updated and the page update is triggered by ZJ, only then is the date changed… Please check that the downloaded files are dated 12.06.23.
Screen shot:
Hi mate, the files are updated and the page update is triggered by ZJ, only then is the date changed… Please check that the downloaded files are dated 12.06.23.
Screen shot:
Thanks for sharing.
I think this aimbot is the best I’ve ever used.
But even though I sent an email to zj because I wanted to purchase it, he didn’t read it.
Thank you. Is it the best for zj among ambot? I think this is the most common comment. And I’m curious about the difference between paid and free versions. Do you happen to know?
Depends on your preferences.
I use AVSmods for the past 6+ years, so if I use other mods, it just feel weird.
There is no mod that will suit everyone 🙂
You seem very friendly. Thanks to you, I’m going to search for AVS mode and try the trial version. Actually, I am satisfied with just aimbot. Is it possible for Asian server users to use AVS mode as well? Also, I wonder if a paid version is also available for purchase.
any update? everytime you are uploading one day before expiration date…..
Unfortunately, since the day before yesterday aimbot does not work at all, when I download from scratch Aimbot after trying to open the file pops up a window with an information:
“Error compressed archive folders” Windows can not open the folder. Is there any advice what to do ?
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can u add this on mega?
Sorry mate, that will not do since ZJ himself is maintaining the download links. That’s the deal with him.
Mod tested, working normally.
You did something wrong…
pk is there away to get this mod in english please
Umm, to be honest it should be in English (since it detects which language you use in the game client). Or maybe just ZJ stopped doing it for the free version. (pls do correct if I’m wrong).
There is no way to externally force it to English, all those UI function are “baked in” into the mod files…
bo nie umiesz cio to
hey aimbot is not working
how do i activate the aimbot
Same as the auto aim, right click on the target…
I tried to renew my pack with Zorrojan, he ignores my emails and my messages to his customer support, PayPal will not work and as a result my account runs out tomorrow. what pack has decent customer care and accepts paypal?
Try AVS, you can test for free as a new user for 10 days…
Support will usually answer within few hours…
Mr. PK I have a ? i use to use avsmods and they did a re design 1 year ago of their files and I can not get their script file to run on my Mac computer it will not let wot game load up but it works great in window computers but not on Mac anymore so I am going to use this zj mod it is working so far on the trial version but I have to ask if you buy full version it say you can make changes to in the text files but I need to know if it is in English as well?
mod nie działa na dzięn 13.04.22
Because it was not updated at the moment you posted your comment (and that was clearly displayed). Now it is updated and working…
You lying bastard. You uploaded expired trial!
Or you are so dumb that you cannot overwrite correctly.
You do understand that I get these links directly from ZJ. So either you are useless or ZJ. All my money are on you. So pls, next time don’t even bother commenting.
Dude u are so retarded
If its out u can just Download it again and install again thats it stop Crying u Moron Bastart
Thank you…
Greetings, got an error with this update, it said:
[ZJ] Marker Re-Load v0.9.21 build 085
The current patch not supported!
Please update modification!
along with reload and contour
pls help, thanks in advance 07
The link is correct (you can see it here on the official 4cheat forum page:
So, either the old mod is stuck in your wot cash or you need to clean your temp files.
Use the WMCLEANER to clean temp and cash files, install again:
Thank you, all is well. The armor penetration indicator included in this mod is very accurate, especially at long range.
It doesnt even work in win10 pro
You did something wrong and judging from your comment I know you did.
Honestly what does it matter which version of Win10 you got ?
You do understand that now most users use win 10 ?
You see anyone else hawing problems ?
It works on linux 😛
^Not the same guy btw
it does
My apologize mate it working very well i did something wrong 🙂
No problem mate,
happy hunting and see you on the battlefield…
Funguje jak má !!!! Jako vždy . Jen se mi zdá že po této aktualizaci čas od času sám od sebe vypadne a musím ho znovu aktivovat . ALE NEJSEM SI JISTÁ JESTLI JE TO MODEM NEBO JE ZRADA NĚKDE JINDE. Ale jinak všechny mody fakčí jako vždy
“It works as it does !!!! As always . It just seems to me that after this update from time to time I get out of hand and I have to activate it again. But we are not sure if it is a modem or something else. But otherwise, all mods do as always” <— This is what he is saying
Thanks to google my life is much easier, but still thanks 🙂
this mod will get you banned, its detected.
this mod will get you banned, its detected instantly.
Ummm, it is not detected. Go back to WoT forums, fanboy.
You useless idiot! Where is 1.0 update?
Any updates on this one?
Only way this aimbot is detected is if a replay is sent in .. or in most cases when stupid people upload their replays to you tube lol
Pk is Zorro going to extend the 9.22 one or is he just working on 1.0 now?
No extension for We are waiting for 1.0.0.
ma ktos aktualna tundre prosze o linka
Is this detected now?
Cool. Thanks
the Frist time after i always use this mod this mod aim not work :/
i dno’t know why i klik RMB nothing hapend i pres Num 9 no notif :/
Version 079 is putting a LOT of shots into the dirt. Might want to look into that.
How do you turn off the auto acquisition of targets?
It blows many shots I am trying to take when it turns ON by itself!
nereye atıcaz nasıl yapılır acil
something has changed, cant shoot a thing with aimbot. it doesnt work like it was before.
helloski, new modski?
FUcking POLISH bastards with aimbots…. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ssij pałe cwelu
not work ??
You did something wrong…
Valamit nagyon benéztél PK
link going on older version…
Because the author did NOT update the link….
please send me in comment the links.
When will be updating?
tomorrow or next week
Expired end
youare idiot alone in this site. you fucking virgin kid, TOMATO
Download links are now updated by ZJ.
He was busy that’s why the files stayed with the old time restriction.
Relax mate, sand in the vagina again ?
Wow, so much hate at the modder:
“idiot expire end!” really! He provides content, that is authored by third person, and you can’t play game without aimbot for few days?
Such a shame such people exist!
Yep, you should see some of the posts on 4cheat and some that I deleted here. Seriously, all coders should just stop for a week with the free stuff. Just to remind “people” that what they are getting is only good will. And thanks to that good will alone, WoT is playable…
For some reason even with the updated files it still shows the last expiry and doesn’t work. I’ve emptied the resmods folder with only the mod and it still doesn’t work and still shows that it’s expired on the 1.12.2018. the only time it works is with a fresh install of WOT. Hope someone can help.
Run CCleaner, clean cashed files. Your free unpacking software is not working properly.
I ran CCleaner and WMCleaner for the cashed files but it’s still stuck. I did an integrity check just in case but still. I tried a previous version of the mod (November) and that did show the expiry for the mod but trying the new mod still shows the last expiry. I think it’s some kind of log file that can’t update but i can’t find it.
Any other mods beside zj ?
Nothing. it seems to only work with a fresh install of WOT but the moment I put a newer version it shows the expiry of the last version. Ive tried a number of ways, a clean resmods folder shows no mods obviously, with the latest zj shows the last expiry, with the november zj shows the november expiry. So my best guess is that it’s a file or log or something in the main game folder that reads your mods but fails to update. As if it just reads the name and has already established the expiry ie. the november zj is any newer zj of still shows an expiry of 21.11.2018.
Can you instal total commander, it’s free and try unpacking with that.
Last idea 🙁
No luck, but thank you.
aim boot how to turn it off…
new update pls
new update pls 1.4
New update please
indirdiğimiz modu nasıl kurabiliriz mod u kurmak konusunda destek olabilirmisiniz
mod je super svaka čast
Hello ,i need a best mods and imboot , i dont know how to pay and how i gheth the stuff . Be cool be happy!!
answer at danfaur2006@yahoo/com
Just get AVSmods and enjoy life….
When i click RMB it shows texture not found and it doesn’t work 🙁
shows how much% I have to raise but aimbot does not work. how should I activate the aimbo
something wrong with the aimbot, doesnt work properly. cant aim to the right place, sometimes doesnt even aim to the tank. aims behind the stationary tank.
Probably a cashing issue. Try cleaning the game client using WMCleaner.
thanks for the quick updates, much appreciated
Just helping out fellow tankers.
Happy hunting and see you on the battlefield.
Cheers mate.
Come on,man,we are waiting for a new one.
dont deprive us of this beautiful mod.
ı resceptyour labor.ı am waiting urgently.
Sorry mate, the auto update script has fucked up (again).
Links are now updated.
Million apologies….
When we see new version?
Sorry mate, the auto update script has fucked up (again).
Links are now updated.
Million apologies….
happens dude…can you shout out when working one is updated?
Thank U PLasma. It worked few battles now stopped.. :/
is not working. i’ll wait until update again
it doesnt shoot anything anymore, no way you can shoot anything from a distance.
Check settings or try resetting all mods (clean temp and cash files using WMCleaner).
I’m not sure if I’m looking for a weakness
Multiple clean installs
Its a nice mod and a very busy mod that need personal tweaking. My issue with it though is it doesnt lock on auto aim very well like Spoter’s advanced autoaim mod does.
A lot of work went in to this mod though. Hats off to ZJ for great other mods.
hmmmm, maybe try to clean team and cashed files with WMCleaner.
Shaytan should have a very good locking algorithm. doesnt work as well as the other zj mods. says the patch is not supported
Links are updated, fix your unpacking software…
new update por favor
Hi mate, sorry. It is updated now. The God damn auto-update script failed again….
My apologies….
is there a update or not? and how works the auto-update script?
The mod is regularly updated, you have to download a fresh version every 10 days, auto updates are ONLY for payed users…
Got banned today…
Yep, on RU also almost 90% of the banned used some form of ZJ mods along with ProTanki or Jove mod packs 🙁
how to start it? ( key: insert or what? )
AimBot-Shaytan is not working (Active until: 01.05.20)
Hey Plazy… Any idea when will be posted?
Should be compatible…
Hmmmm I am getting a not compatible with this patch error. (cleared all other instances of older versions)
Think not compatible…it said error version 🙁
Hi same same version 1.8.02 not
the current patch not suppurted. plaese update modification
removed option to use aimbot in race event (to easy to detect by WG)
but where/how ??
its not working!
Clean your browser cash ffs…
not compatible…it said error version pls update wtf?
Clean your browser cash and download again. The file is correct, so either it’s the browser or the unpacking software.
Ne, ne radi.
Ocisti cash fajlove u broseru.
Kada skines fajl, na njemu mora biti ovaj datum:
Ako nije, onda i dalje ti browser otvara stari fajl koji si skunuo ranije.
To je IQ filter, nekulturnim retardima ne radi…
been using this a long time now and its great for everything except the wheeled amx, never leads them enough
Am not here to complain about mod. Am here just to say from last patch this mod doesnt work properly. aiming at empty space,misscalculation for 1245768 miles from target,blocking shoots even if they 100% sure and best thing off all you miss tracked tank from 20ft if you aim with aimbot. I use it before and it was very good mod. Now i have to remove it because its not even bad, its unplayable.
Windows 10:
1. Open main game folder (c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\)
2. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\profile\rfs_cache\, delete all files inside. Those are cashed files and deleting them will NOT harm WoT game client. (
3. Download WMCleaner from here: Start cleaner, scan (, select all options for cleaning (, hit delete and zip (, when prompted to backup select no (
4. Locate folder c:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\\ and delete all from there WoT related. (this folder is hidden, you will need to enable hidden files).
5. Restart PC
6. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. ( Send worldoftanks.exe to desktop ( Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP ( From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game.
7. Check the game client: Open game launcher, find Check And Repair option (, start ( Game will now check game files integrity ( This will take 1-5 min. Set the launcher options like this ( Close the game launcher by right clicking on the status icon in the lower right corner (
8. In game graphic settings disable auto-scaling 3D render option ( and set shadows quality to minimum or maximum value (
9. Restart PC.
10. Start game using the NEW shortcut.
Reinstall all mods…
bon soir je n ai de profil dans le dossier
pour quoi me faire ban a chaque foix svp
I just banned for using this mod.
bsr a utiliser ce mode je me suis fait banir 3x comment font t il pour le savoir
et ne savez vous pas avoir un anticheat pour contrer wargaming merci
personne ne ce fait bannir ici en utilisant ce mode 3x pour moi
Hello I have tried since yesterday that this car mod still works for me and nothing if there is any solution please let me know, I can only say that it had always worked for me and that since the update came, it does not even appear installed in the game and it’s weird because it is.
Work already thank you
its not working!
buenas disculpa como consigo la version paga de este mod ?
pourquoi ce faire bann0ir avec ce mod a chaque foix bannis
why u put version name if zj dont update it it yet ???!!! u are a fcking idiot or a fcking imbecil shit
Are you actually this stupid ???
It is now patch
instale ne fonctionne pas sais bien dans le resmods
instale ne fonctionne pas sais bien dans le resmods
What ????
l endroit du mods
merci ca je sais le faire mais fonctionne pas
Clean cash files from your browser, download again.
I had the same issue today when testing links. The links was updated, but my browser was displaying old files.
puis je vous parler en privé pour la couse des banissement
et une autre question a quoi serve les 789 pour la dispesrtion
Need more info, google translate is giving out some nonsense.
Dispersion ???
Ok hello what is the number 8 key for?
It is used for dispersion
It should display actual server side dispersion.
Is it true that we are spotted because of xvm
XVM is sponsored by WG.
XVM can contain modules which will gather info what else you got on your system.
If you use forbidden mods, I would suggest to stay away from XVM. Because you simply never know what they will add into it.
If you use XVM just for player stats, you can switch to PFstats. Same crew as AVS, BW and PF mods is behind it. And in every way, it is a better solution than XVM.
Should I put it in mode or in res mods
Into res_mods/
Doesn’t work in 1.11.1 🙁
Doesn’t work in 1.11.1
did not work
don’t work in 1.11.1
thank you for your work so far but it doesnt work guys…
calısmıyor lan bu güncelleyın artık 😀
Keep doing a amazing job guys!!
Thank you…
Thanks for the ban!
NP mate, how about use the aimbot a little bit less next time.
The mod crashed the app and sent the results to WG.
Clean cash files (WMCleaner).
Mod is working normally.
The mod is NOT sending anything, that is WG’s Error Monitor, which you should disable.
merhaba aimbot şeytan eskiden daha iyi gemeç atılıyordu. şimdi haraketli odaklamdan dolayı atışlarda 3 atışta 1 tanesini vuruyor. odaklama hızını yavaş versiyonlu olsa daha iyi olurdu ben gerçi her zaman kullanmıyorum daha çok para kaybetmeme neden oluyor.
when update?
Hi mate, my apologies, the auto update script did NOT do it’s job. All is OK now. Thanks for the heads up…
aimbot şeytan çalışmıyor. ama hitmot calışıyor şeytan çalışmıyor. bilgin olsun. bu sayfayı 1 yıldır modlarla indiriyorum. modlar çok garip bu sıralar
Clean cash files, the mod is fine.
1. Open main game folder (c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\)
2. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\profile\rfs_cache\, delete all files inside. Those are cashed files and deleting them will NOT harm WoT game client. (
3. Download WMCleaner from here: Start cleaner, scan (, select all options for cleaning (, hit delete and zip (, when prompted to backup select no (
4. Locate folder c:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\\ and delete all from there WoT related. (this folder is hidden, you will need to enable hidden files).
5. Restart PC
6. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. ( Send worldoftanks.exe to desktop ( Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP ( From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game.
7. Check the game client: Open game launcher, find Check And Repair option (, start ( Game will now check game files integrity ( This will take 1-5 min. Set the launcher options like this ( Close the game launcher by right clicking on the status icon in the lower right corner (
8. In game graphic settings disable auto-scaling 3D render option ( and set shadows quality to minimum or maximum value (
9. Restart PC.
10. Start game using the NEW shortcut.
This version … [ZJ] AimBot – Shaytan AimBOT Build 079 TRIAL By ZorroJan *
is being flagged by virus filters …
Detected: Trojan:Script/Conteban.A!ml
For the love of God, get a better antivirus…
Ah … Windows 10 default … like several million other people …
Windows Defender, yea… Great… You better get a gipsy woman to see your future… Or a crystal ball…
Always an excuse for shitty code …
“Always an excuse for shitty code”
Seriously ?!?
1. Download links are provided by the author of the mod. They are universal for ALL web sites. So, you must be new to mods, especially ZJ mods.
2. Shaytan get around 30.000 downloads per patch. As you can see from the comments, there is always that one lone genius who “thinks” his Win Defender is actually doing something. Because why even bother getting a proper anti virus.
3. Actual file scan: Oh look, what a surprise, it is clean.
4. The warning you are getting is based on the actual web page from where your browser is downloading the file. And THE ONLY reason why this page is flagged is: servers are baser in the Russian Federation. Yea, great. Merica !!!!
And what have we (I hope) learned here today:
A. You MUST be new to mods, internet and downloading stuff.
B. Windows Defender is a useless crap.
C. The only “excuse” here is your lack of basic internet usage knowledge.
D. The only “shitty” part here is your ignorant attitude, period.
What an arrogant cunt. Fuck you!
Relax there cupcake, you will get high blood pressure. And there is still so much to learn. For example how to download, how to install an antivirus or how NOT to use default MS defender crap.
Imagine, 30.000 plus people have no issues, but you… A medical miracle… We want to infect your PC… Jeez, too much TLC ?
Sorry newbie here is there a tutorial as to how to inject this and then use?
Hi mate, download, unpack, copy folder SCRIPTS to folder C:\Games\World_of_Tanks_EU\res_mods\\
Like this:
Start the game, that’s it 🙂
Kad izlazi
Patch je lansiran danas od 09:00h.
Update mods se ocekuje nocas ili sutra.
Hello, the link to download the mod does not work.
Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml … don’t dowload
Stop using free antivirus software…
Jeez, internet is NOT for everyone…
i have been banned with 2 accounts in the last years, since then i only use drwebber/tundra.
this for about a year.
Has the mods technically done something to disguise, or are you still banned.
By the way, Tundra no longer works with Win 11.
You can start it, but when loading WOT it breaks.
so wot doesnt ban ip/hwid, right?
Why would WG ban you by IP ?
They count on the fact that people will start a new WoT account. Play, spend time and money on the game. Keeping the online numbers high.
This is why WG is scumbag company. They DO NOT care about keeping the game fair, they only are about milking the player base…
don’t work. it’s a 1.14 version
Just put the files in the correct folder. All is OK…
the files are in res_mod/ and the game said: “it’s a 1.14 version”
aimbot patch eror!!!!!
First of all a BIG thank you for the wonderful work you do here, guys. Made wot a lot more fun. Anyway, this mod is not working anymore since it keeps giving the 1.14 message when loaded. 🙂
Installed in correct folder. Still doesn’t work. So all is not OK. Fix, pls
Hey. I got one question. How often this Mod will be updated? Because it is active until 21.02.22. Is the next version available in 10 days or so?
Hi mate, this mods gets updated every 10 days. It has been like that for the past 5+ years, so no worries. So, on the 20th or 21th a new version will be displayed on this same page with a expiration date 31.03.22. and so on…
Ok. Very nice. Thank you!
Can you please stop auto-changing expire date on this mod? You are wasting our time not to mention that you are lying plain and simple. NOT working until 11.03 but 01.03 like everywhere else. pkmods is always the last to get version update and first to offer a fake one
Cry me a river…
The 1.7 mods from Zorrojan are throwing errors stating they are version 1.6 therefore do not work… none of them
Therefore, you did something wrong since ALL are checked and work normally….
How to activate this aimbot?
Just right click, as you would using the auto aim option in the game…
Hey bro, I copied “scripts” folder to resmods/ and when I click right button, aimbot don’t work. Please help!
New patch today, now copy to resmods/ folder….
Can i get help, i try to email Zorrojan and as for help but i get no reply, my modpack is finished on saturday and when i try to renew with paypal it will not work, what can i do? i get no reply or help last 2 weeks from customer care?
I think they got an issue with PayPal as they are a RU based company, thus PayPal has (best guess) blocked them.
is this mod detected?
You can find all details here:
ZJ mods author:
New version for 1.18.0 coming soon ? 🙂
ZJ is busy with his pay-to-use mod pack, as soon as the update for that is done and polished, he will make the free version. Best guess, day or two, max…
Hi! Please update this version not compatible 1.18
Hi! Please update this version not compatible 1.18
ZJ is busy with his pay-to-use pack. Free mods are not a priority…
hello when will you release the shooter of version
No idea, ZJ is busy with his pay-to-use pack. Free mods are not a priority…
even the payed version has problems as i read. If he is not gonna work with you anymore can you tell us? If thats the case we have to search elsewhere
And you will find this mod elsewhere how ?
This download link is created by Shaytans author, and only there will ANY update be posted. So, if I got it, no one will…
maybe but if he doesnt working with you that means that you wont have it either, so we have to search for another aimbot. Thats why i asked, do we HAVE to search another aimbot or you have news from him?
It looks like this bot won’t work anymore, there is no interest in giving it away for free… just GIVE MONEY
No, until they fix their pay-to-use package, this can wait. Simple…
haha you can’t do one for V 1.18. Game over.
Why waste time on free stuff when his pay-to-use pack is a priority ?
He can’t do aimbot free or pay. WOT put anti-hack code in.
Anti hack code ? AHAHAHAHAHAHA, no. You are dead wrong. Try AVS, you will see everything is working. The problem is keeping the memory signature the same. Otherwise, it’s easily detectable…
And please stop spreading false information…
[ZJ] AimBot-Shaytan guncelleme almıcak mı kaç gun gecti 13 gün oldu hala güncelleme gelicek o kadar guncelleme bekliyor ne zaman güncelleme gelicek onu söyleyin beklemeyelim bizde ona göre baska mod deniyelim saygılar
[ZJ] AimBot-Shaytan guncelleme almıcak mı kaç gun gecti 13 gün oldu hala güncelleme gelicek o kadar guncelleme bekliyor
There will be no update of the aimbot anymore. Also look for another
Where did you get that info ?
For the 100th time, until ZJ’s pay-to-use pack is not fully updated, THERE WILL BE NO FREE MODS….
WOT outsmarted them. They are incapable of producing aimbot for this version.
Ummm, AVS is working, so is b4it, SAE also. The problem is that hey just need to figure out a way for the memory signature to stay the same. Otherwise, it’s will be easily detectable… don’t work. it’s a version. mod when it is entered in res.mode, there is a problem and the game client crashes, it is not possible to enter the game, when the script is deleted, the game client works and starts the game normally
Makes the game crash.
Crash to desktop on
Crash to desktop. Same for another mods.. Tundra, Extinquisher etc..
Crash to desktop. Same for another mods.. Tundra, Extinquisher etc..
Crash to desktop..For another mods is same..Tundra,Extinquisher etc
Crashes to desktop. Obviously not updated for He focus on the pay-to-use first,THEN on the free one, that’s ok. What I don’t get though, is why this is posted here when it doesn’t work?
me too
working partially but laggy as hell
the worst aimbot I’ve ever seen!
1. Compered to what ?
2. Do you know how to use it ?
3. Make a better one, this is free anyway…
(and with average of 30k downloads per patch, you must be doing something wrong)
Worked for few days until today :/
Hi mate, ALL ZJ free mods need to be reinstalled every 10 days. As you can see from the post, every 10 days, new version is published, you installed this new version and keep on playing.
This has been like that for years…
Ok, thx I just started using it so didn’t know about it 🙂
No worries mate, I figured it out…
On Rar File
Clap clap, next free antivirus user… Jesus…
windows defender…
It’s not the best…
Please update it to the new version
I have new but not working… Still say “the trial period is completed” 13.02.2023
Try now, for some reason the data base is showing old files on the alternative link. Fixed now.
Yes, now is ok. Thank you 😉
zj aimbot ne zaman güncellemeyi düsünüyorsunuz sayın adminler_?
ZJ mods will be updated in two days, the author has technical issues with his platform. (latest info from WoTSpeak)
Hi, not working, “the trial period is completed” 21.02.2023.
ZJ mods will be updated in two days, the author has technical issues with his platform. (latest info from WoTSpeak)
hi virus allert can’t download?
Stop using free antivirus…
Where’s the Update?
are you gonna have the Update soon?
How do you know if you don’t have info.
hello, I have a question why I am downloading the old version
that is, when I download this, I download
hello why when I download the Aimbot shaytan mod version I have a mod from 2016 when I unpack it. how to fix it..?
Clean your browser cash…
how to use on steam?
do i have to play on wot launcher i mean how to use it on steam? there is no res mods file
why do you play steam version?
Anyway, go to install folder and install it as you would normally.
There is no real difference.
Hi guys,
Thx for all the work you’ve been doing for us – I appreciate it really!
Can I ask if you could kindly check ZorroJan’s mod version as it is effectively expired while reading active until 21.06?
Thank you,
Hi mate, the files are updated and the page update is triggered by ZJ, only then is the date changed… Please check that the downloaded files are dated 12.06.23.
Screen shot:
why you change the date if is still not updated ? this is not working at the moment wtf
Hi mate, the files are updated and the page update is triggered by ZJ, only then is the date changed… Please check that the downloaded files are dated 12.06.23.
Screen shot:
hi there how to install that i dnt ve a SCRIPT folder
Download, unpack, copy folder SCRIPTS to X:\Games\World_of_Tanks_EU\res_mods\\
Like this:
no work !!!!
Well you did something wrong, how you managed that is a mystery
any new version?
hi there , where ive to install this ????
You uploaded the outdated version by mistake
Yep, you are correct. Thank you. God damn Chrome cash F me 🙁
Thank you for pointing this out…
Happy to help. 🙂
is not working yet on this patch?
Use the second link. ZJ staff messed up his download links…
PolarFox version is updated…
It’s working, use alternative download link…
można nową wersje 🙂
mozna poprosić nową wersję ,
how to install this
Not updated yet…
dawaj bo chujowo sie gra ręcznie celować , jeszcze po piwkach to już lipa hihi
Yea, I know. But until ZJ publishes new files, I can’t do anything…
(reason why I switched to AVS)
Does it work now?
Mate, honestly. You can see the date. Why would anyone post a mod with the current date, fully updated if it was NOT working ???
Working for 1.23
game crash when pressing numpad minus
Clean game cash files and temp files using WMCleaner…
hello, after the trial period I wanted to take out a subscription but payment by paypal does not work, how can I do it? THANKS
Can you upload the files for different ui? I liked the Draug ui and settings
This is how this is made by the mod author. All other customization is available ONLY via 3th party customization or via payed license.
Thanks for sharing.
I think this aimbot is the best I’ve ever used.
But even though I sent an email to zj because I wanted to purchase it, he didn’t read it.
For your information, I am an Asia server user.
Are you acquainted with him?
Try contacting him via forum (just click on the SOURCE LINK button).
Thank you. Is it the best for zj among ambot? I think this is the most common comment. And I’m curious about the difference between paid and free versions. Do you happen to know?
Depends on your preferences.
I use AVSmods for the past 6+ years, so if I use other mods, it just feel weird.
There is no mod that will suit everyone 🙂
You seem very friendly. Thanks to you, I’m going to search for AVS mode and try the trial version. Actually, I am satisfied with just aimbot. Is it possible for Asian server users to use AVS mode as well? Also, I wonder if a paid version is also available for purchase.
any update? everytime you are uploading one day before expiration date…..
Still not updated by the author 🙁
Just checked, you can se yourself:
pk how i play with aimbot i just downloed i get nothing
Just right click on the targeted tank…
You did something wrong, mod is verified, plus another 47+k people downloaded from this link and I see ONLY your comment with issues…
Has the config changed? Right click does not start and stop tracking?
Nie działa
Tested, works…
if used, how to reduce risk of detection if at all possible?
ZJ mods author:
Hello, I have a question. When I download the folder there are many files, none of them “WOTMOD”. How to install it then?
Nevermind, I found the comment above! thanks ^^
Where put that ?
new new new
Unfortunately, since the day before yesterday aimbot does not work at all, when I download from scratch Aimbot after trying to open the file pops up a window with an information:
“Error compressed archive folders” Windows can not open the folder. Is there any advice what to do ?