I got ONE question for WG:
(and just to be clear, all these I personally saw in random battles. I did not search for them, they did not get sent to me via emails etc., these have ALL been with me on the battlefield)
I will update this post every F day I play and see them. This is F too much even for me…
there is no reason to bann them, they pay 10€ a Month for Premium so why should they get be banned, they pay real Money to Wargaming
Just as an example:
you get couple of these in your team as a top tier. How plausible it will be to win ?
They just sit in a base while you are trying to do your best…
Not to mention that this is a totally scumbag move by them, not playing by themselves. If I can spot 2-3 a day, we can only imagine how many more there are.
One solution is to block them from any battle above tier 5… Problem resolved…
if u put them to ure ignore list the chance is lower to get this tards again in ure team,
yeah i had today 3 of them in 8 rounds. the best one was with 2043wg rating, 48k batlles and an wr of 40,18%
This is not true, last week I got a true bot player in my team, who blocked me for no reason and sent me some nasty messages. I blocked the guy, and guess what? Two battles later, I get him again in my team, and he started to block me again for no reason.
Sadly that doesn’t happen. I often play at way off peak hours and some I’ve had blocked for years are in almost all of them, interesting watching them develop.
WG is struggling to keep the game alive currently, if they got rid of the bots (including the ones they officially use themselves) the game wouldn’t exist below tier VI. I’m not sure but I’ve been regularly seeing :official bots: from tier I to tier IV and suddenly there is a huge influx of tier V “unofficial” bots, usually heavies that use the random drive with twitching gun bot program and strangely with 120 battles they’ve already installed anonymizer. I think it is tied in with the ability to reset stats that was added awhile back, they don’t care if they have 34% wr, when they can reset it once they have whatever it was they wanted unlocked.
I can understand your frustration, these days I saw more and more battles, with extremely bot players with 100 and 800 WN8 (1,500 and 2,500 PR), and they are useless.
On the other day I was in Tier VIII battle, and our top tier IS-3 had 3 WN8 (yes, 3 not 300), he did nothing, died after 2–3 minutes without hitting anyone. Right next, I got a battle with 10% win chance (most of the players were 50 and 200 WN8 in top tier), and of course they died (also they started to cry as usually “fagg u bott rattass”).
Anyway, you found some nice “pro” players, here is my catch !
Our IS-3 player (with 3WN8)
Another Pro level player
Annddd another one
Here is a little story with me and Wargaming …
Last year on my main account I started to get worse and worse battles, I had around 2,400 WN8 / 8,000 PR, so I considered myself as an “Okay” player who is not a bot.
When I tried to assist my bot teammates how to play, they reported me or sent me some not friendly messages (I am a trash, I can die etc). Of course, after some reports I got a chat ban, and I did (probably) the worst thing someone can do in this situation — I sent a ticket to the support.
I explained my issues with the Bot players (they die, do nothing, cry, block etc, you guys know these stories), while the reply from WG was “maybe play with a different tank, or watch our CCs and learn the game”. Honestly, this made me frustrated, so I replied to them, that in this way I can’t progress, and also I don’t give a single fuck about their CCs.
Next day, my main account got a perma-ban, the reason they mentioned is that I was disrespectful both in-game and with their support team.
I dont mind having to “do my best” but the turbo matches of 15-0 suk it as well…..because of bots.
Another One for u:
Still better than you lmao XD
Huh?, yeah maybe if im on an lsd trip 😛
Merry Christmas girls and boys, here is my gift, take a 2WN8 player
Another Pro level player, who lived 2 minute and died like a trash
Who is ready for this one ? Probably the worst player in WOT history !
New Tank, 3x Lose in a row:
Holly F. look this players ……
First catch of today, a “highly” skilled “pro” player !
Hey, here u have none listed like this one. its the best ive ever saw:
Today’s catch !
Where is the problem ?
They are not BOT users because they have a lot of destroyed tanke.
Look at my account Steeler2000 its the same – and I am NOT a bot user.
I play just for fun and no ambitious to get a higher value.
and . I do NOT play with any kind of mod.
So calm down and be happy that you can farm all those players and get you to collect a lot of easy aims.
You have 6k battles.
Some of these asshole have 100+k.
So for the love of God stop defending assholes without basic understanding what is what
What is your problem? They have the right to play this game to. Good player/bad player, the game is for everyone. Its a game to play, some do it for fun!! Get a life dude!
This is NOT a bad player, this is a played who literally loads a battle, sits in one place and idles.
Or, they use software to load them into battles while they are away from the PC. Because having +30k battles and below 300 average damage is IMPOSSIBLE even for my cat. If you literally sit in one place and catch targets via autoaim you would have more. There is literally no reason to keep “people” who RUINE any battle above tier 6.
Whoever is exposing and harming WG thieves and scumbags, is my friend
Share us SIMP mod and we can slowly start to destroy all lobbies and servers for that “fairplay” matchmaking. Btw matchmaking could be done in so many ways to improve this, but no, they don’t care. Maybe they will care if their game will be ruined, lmao.
SIMP is fake mod which cannot do anything.
It is literally a fake BS made to scam you for money…
Just my own conspiracy theory here. WG is the inventor and the owner of the cheat mods. It is a back door money flow for a game that is clearly in its decline with returning players. Here is my solution; just add all the cheats to the game, then everyone would be on the same level playing field. I also say this for professional sports. Let’s also look at reality around us, the world is full of cheats; from children’s school work and tests to gamblers, tax evaders, insider stock trading, government employees, government leaders, and on and on and on. So, I guess I would have to say World of Tanks is as real as it gets.
Sad but true.
Sprawedz proszę nick w grze (qzl_dd). Gościu gra cięzkimi, blokuje innych, chowa się za przeszkodami, nie pomaga drużynie- zadaje w bitwie okrągłe 0 dmg i nie reaguje na żadne prośby o pomoc. Zresztą sam zobacz jego statystyki
He has just 4k battles. Probably some kid with zero brain 🙂
Cool, Ive used bot as well to get 5x T10 😀
who would waste real time to play with such autistic morons anyway…