AVS Mods 11.27 By PKmods AVS Mods 11.27 By PKmods





+150k battles of testing done on NA and EU servers so far. Original script by PolarFox – upgraded and polished by PKmods team

Auto update function.

ZERO detection.

Custom aimbot settings for NA, SEA & EU servers.

– MONGOOSE aimbot

– Tundra- X-Ray

– Enemy direction

– Lasers

– Gun direction

– Chameleon

– Enemy destruction indicator

– Beyond render range indicator

– Shadow

– Reloading

– Auto heal/repair/fire extinguisher

– Advanced 6th sense and more than 400 modifications in one easy to use pack with in-game UI settings.



181 thoughts on “ AVS Mods 11.27 By PKmods

      1. i still cant delete it from folders in game i delete it from com but stil make problems in game…

          1. it doesnt work ive tried to download it comes up in the garage but no autoaim or nothing will work im on the test period also

          2. Right….
            1. You logged into the wrong WoT account.
            2. Do you have a active license ? (if not, you probably used up your trial period before)
            3. Create a support ticket, because I have no idea who you are like this. Thus I cannot check what can be wrong…

            But I assure you that the mod is working normally, since yesterday….

    1. So far we had ZERO people who got banned as a direct result of using the mod.
      I can tell you with great certainty, this is the safest pack for WoT.

      1. he gastado mucho dinero en este juego y no me gustaria que me penalizen si compro este park es total mente seguro

  1. What diferece are: AVSMODS and BlackWot…is the same mods or some new mods…or is same ting with another name.

    1. Hi mate, sorry but we discontinued selling unlimited licences about a month ago.
      Simply the rising costs of servers (since we never anticipated having this much users) needs constant income.

        1. Echeck payments thru paypal.
          Be aware, in this case wait time is about 5 days because of verification….

          1. yeah paypal hasn’t been working for like 4 days now, it says there was a problem processing the payment, so idk how to buy the mod now.

            PKmods: payments have been processed normally for the past 4 day’s. I don’t see any technical problem on my end.

      1. Hmm. Actually its working again but the settings doesnt show up on lower right corner. Maybe just my PC doing shit again lol

  2. I can’t control my tank after the 30s countdown. The timer stops at 00:00 and doesn’t dispear. The tank doesn’t move or rotate turret. The only way is to restart the game after the count down for each battle. Pleas Help

        1. There will a game update today. AVS server must have triggered a remote update.
          When you update the game, it will be working normally.

  3. I read up, only for unlimited version cud have more than one acc…so, the unlimited license is off. Iff I buy for 1 year, I have still options for 3 acc ???

  4. I mean, because I do not understand too much about who I am is about the nickname for the game?

  5. I cannot purchase on the website at all will not add anything to the cart and i have heard nothing back from the support email

    1. Every ticket gets answered, especially when there is a problem with purchasing. Check your email.

  6. should i run this after being banned for 7 days and if i do should i have any other mods running with it? tell me what you would actually do?

    1. AVS has proven to be the safest pack so far.
      In this ban wave from +10k active users only 3 reported being banned. And all 3 used other mods in the past 6 months.

      I grinded my acc from closed beta and would not risk.
      The choice is yours.

    1. Mate, what the hell are you talking about ?!? Just run the installer and update AVSmods. It works for +10k users, you must be doing something wrong…

  7. hello, and it does not work even renames with the file always exe the folder
    instead installing it manually does not work.

    1. First of all, why are you here and not creating a proper support ticket ?
      Second, mod works, what you are doing wrong can be 1000 different things. For one, if the new installer is creating onld forders – your unpacking software is NOT working properly.
      Contact support.

  8. No funciona en la versión alguien logro repararlo ?
    el cliente del juego no inicia cuando instalas el Mod y te crea las carpetas equivocadas, renombrando las carpetas tampoco anda HELP!!!

    1. Mod and files are ok. You just use bad unpacking software which has not cleaned your cashed files from before. Thus the wrong folders and rest of the problems…
      Easy fix.
      From this link download unpacked AVSmods files: https://mega.nz/#F!iUxixCbS!4sf2u4IOdRQEkad4buAwcw
      1. Try a normal install with the installer (check the install location, select options to clean temp and cash files). Test. If all works disregard next step.
      2. Install files manually from folder avslatest(m), just copy them to main game folder.

    1. Pozz, vazi samo za prvu instalaciju mods.
      Pusti mi na supportu tvoj ID (identifikator, onu salamu brojeva i slova sto dobijes kad instaliras mod) i dodacu ti trial licencu….

  9. Stuck at Validation of License, mod not working

    AVSMods Version: 9.17 #301
    Personal Cabinet

    Your identifier key:

    Validation of license, please, wait…

    1. Hi mate,
      You will need to clean the game using WMCleaner: https://pkmods.com/wmcleaner-wot-mod-cleaner-by-straniks_scan-eng-ru/
      Select options to clean following: http://prntscr.com/lu4fek
      1. Scan
      2. Select options like in the screen shot
      3. Hit button “delete and .zip” (no need to save when prompted).

      Download AVSmods installer again (please download the latest version, we added a fix about because about 5% users have this issue). Install as usual (note that there are are much less folders if you install manually).
      Run the  game as administrator.

      Let me know if all is good.

      Kind regards PK.

    1. The mod is working normally. Can you imagine if +10k users had an non working mod ? Create a support ticket, the team will be happy to help you.

    1. Ne razumem ?
      Hoces 100% garanciju da nece ili ?

      Ko god ti nudi 100% sigurnost je lazov.
      Detekcija se vrsi statisticki i na osnovu replay-a. Tj, ako igras upadljivo i hvalis se svuda da imas AVS nema ti spasa.

      1. It’s OK for me I cheated. I’m only curious WG developed new monitoring system and really can filter out illegal mod users or just bluffing, i had only too much player report and got an automatic ban.

  10. Hej, koliko ej ovo sigurno? Ja sma do sad korstio ono zorjann..tako nesto, i nisma imao problema, a ovde vidim exe. ako ovi imaju neki antcheat ovo ej lako za otkriti….ili? Pozz

    1. .exe fajl je odgovoran za instalaciju fajlova na ispravnu lokaciju i ciscenja game cash-a.
      Koliko je sigurno ?
      Ni jedan mod nije 100% siguran, ko god ti to kaze – LAZE.
      Mi smo do sad u svim ban talasima izgubili negde oko 0.2% korisnika.
      Sad se priblizavamo cifri od 11k redonih korisnika.
      Da se razumemo, necu nista da garantujem. Jer nije samo u pitanju sta koristis vec i kako. Detekcija nije ko na filmu (on ti upadne na komp i vidi sta ti imas).
      Imas objasnjenje od ZJ licno: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2F4cheat.ru%2Fshowpost.php%3Fp%3D1433387%26postcount%3D2070

      1. Koliko sam razumeo nemaju pravo da skeniraju kompjuter, banovi dolaze kad te vise igraca prijavi i napise tiket supportu i tad WG zaposlenik pregleda replay sa servera…i uoci neke nelogicnosti u gamplayu sumnjivog igraca….ako je tako i ako ne skeniraju kompjuter (a mislim da to i nemaju pravo ) onda bas moras da izazoves paznju svih da bi dobio ban 😀

        Sta bi mi ti preportucio, ima li nesto bolje do AVS moda?

        1. Pa nije fer, kako da ti preporucujem nesto a ja uestvujem u izradi AVS-a 🙂
          Probaj AVS, on ti je skroz otkljucan prvih 10 dana.

    1. Licenca se genererise istog momenta cim prodje PayPal uplata i nalazi se u USER DASHBOARD -> MY SERIALS (na AVSmods sajtu): http://prntscr.com/ng2oz3
      Onda je samo potrebno kliknuti na ACTIVATE dugme i vreme krece. (jer mozda uplatis a neces odmah da igras, pa da se nista ne bi gubilo)

  11. Pa koji je indetifikator?? Nisam dobio nista na mail a treba aktivirati i ukucati nesto …malo vam je to bezveze i nejasno, pozz

    1. Nista ne dobijas na mail, vec sam ti objasnio.
      Ako dobijas obavestenje da ti nije ubacen identifikator znaci da nisi pravilno prosao kroz proceduru instalacije. Kontaktiraj support, sve ce ti biti objasnjeno.
      (ne brini ne gubis nista, licencu samo ti moze aktivirati)

  12. is the climbing mod (Tank Trajectory) legal? If so, can you opt to only install that one, and not install any other mods that may be illegal?

  13. i hope that it be free in future , its great
    if u can send to my email the unlimited version pls 😀

  14. Druze Plazma
    Da li postoji neki drugi nacin da ti uplatim jer mi zeza ovaj paypal? Uzeo bih ovaj od 90 ili 180 dana…

    1. Nazalost ne, posto je ceo sistem podesen pod PayPal uplate.
      Hoces da ti posaljem klasicni invoice pa tako da platis ako te zeza PP uplata sa sajta ?

  15. Could u tell me what that mod is which calculates and shows you where the enemy hit you or your team mate when he or she is not spoted? It marks it on the minimap with Yellow and the Name of the Tank. Having difficulty

  16. hello, merci pour AVS, super content a part que le lazer mod ne fonctionne pas, le lazer est toujours blanc, avant j’avais 3 couleurs…blanc jaune et rouge, ca ne fonctionne plus. merci et bonne journée

    1. Hi mate,
      module LASERS is working normally.
      Probably a setting issue or/and game cash is creating an issue.
      Feel free to contact support (create a support ticket), they will help you…

    1. Hi mate,
      to properly remove AVSmods from your system:

      1. Download WMCleaner from here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7gb3t0llrnwt368/WMCleaner.zip/file Start cleaner, scan (http://prntscr.com/lvjnyr), select all options for cleaning (http://prntscr.com/lvjo2h), hit delete and zip (http://prntscr.com/lvjo5g), when prompted to backup select NO (http://prntscr.com/lvjo9n).
      2. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\profile\rfs_cache\, delete all files inside. Those are cashed files and deleting them will NOT harm WoT game client. (http://prntscr.com/lvjndr)
      3. Delete all from folder: c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\scripts\client\gui\mods\

      Restart PC, all done.

      Kind regards PK

  17. @PKmods

    If used smartly, can these mods be detected in campaigns (clan wars) etc? as in not use tundra and leading aim. Recent ban wave March 20th and more to come, likely. How is wargaming NA detecting client side mods such as these and is it possible to remain undetected while using them?

    1. Let’s be 100% honest so there are no hard feelings.
      No mod in the world is 100% safe. Anyone claiming that is a liar. Period.
      Because detection is done via statistical data.
      You can read about it here:

      ZJ mods author: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2F4cheat.ru%2Fshowpost.php%3Fs%3D4281637e38a258d669effd1b84fff028%26p%3D1433387%26postcount%3D2070
      Me: https://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/10630-banned-from-wot-using-aslains/&do=findComment&comment=57266

      So, even if the mod is using a injector (like AVS), leaves no traces on the system since it’s working from RAM memory (like AVS), get instant updates and fixes (like AVS) the users can still act a bit more suspicious and get banned.
      So far, with all the ban waves we lost less than 0.03% of users. With over 12k every day users, we are (PolarCore base mods) the biggest EU provider. Being here would not be possible if we had any mayor security issues.
      But again, I cannot guarantee that WG will not develop some new tool and ban all users tomorrow.
      So, if you want to be 100% safe – DON’T USE ANY MODS.
      Hope this explains my position on the matter.
      The decision is up to you, are you willing to risk or not.

  18. die installation startet nicht. wenn ich auf installieren drücke kommt sofort fertigstellen und danach schließt das fenster.

    1. Irgendwie hat er den falschen text übernommen.
      Die Installation beginnt nicht. wenn ich auf installieren drücke kommt sofort fertig stellen und das Fenster schließt.

  19. There is a problem on the web page with paying via visa card… It says that I should contact my bank to confirm this type of payment. I have been buying AVS mods in the past with the same card. Bank says it should be approved transaction.

    Any ideas?


    1. If your card needs a code that you get on your phone, wait for a minute when you get the code, then punch it in…

  20. Since update 1.10 Mongoose aimbot is NOT working at all I tried turning it on and off and then turning everything else off just leaving Mongoose on and still not working.

    1. Yes, the entire mod is OFF for NA and ASIA at this moment.
      Backward comparability was not possible. And with 80% of users being on EU, you will need to wait.
      Tomorrow, partial functionality will be done. Until we investigate some strange game client behavior, AVS will work in a safe mod.
      I know this is a pain in the ass, but safety first.
      All users will be compensated and NO licence days will be lost to this…

  21. brate, sinoc 17.8. sve ok bilo. od jutros nema ga kao da je deinstaliran
    probao sam opet “skinuti” i nece
    neki savjet?
    hvala vam

  22. I downloaded the AVS mod and installed it but nothing happened. Looked at the manual install folder and there is only one small file and nothing else. Does anyone have the same issue?

  23. Hello im thinking of trying this out and if it goes well prob buying, so i want to know if there is a trial period so i can try the mod pack out before buying since it looks complicated and will require some time to figure out.

  24. Hi I want to ask if I can make any different setup because I play with ping between 60 to 90
    its not only me is same of my frineds to

  25. Yes thank you for your quick response I know I open but I don’t know how to change the settings to what to make the game better for my 60 to 90 ping if you can send any screenshot or any other help I appreciate thank you

      1. I’m sorry your must be stuck in the IQ filter. Because it IS WORKING NORMALLY. Clean your browser and stop acting like this is general chat…

  26. hey Pk how come after every update Healthcare and fog remover never works ..got some ideas how to get around …tracks are problem fog could not care less ..

  27. Wie bekomme ich einen Lizensschlüssel wenn ich keine Kreditkarte oder PayPal habe ? Ich hoffe es kann mir jemand weiterhelfen.Das ist bislang der beste Mod den ich je hatte

    1. Hi mate, unfortunately there is no other way. Any other way would be to expensive (direct bank transfer) or unsafe for both you and us.

  28. HELLO,
    1. How can I activate the option for destroyed tanks to appear in white, or what is the option called?
    2. Are there various settings for MONGOOSE to use? and where can we get them?
    Thank you.

      1. Last warning…
        Stop with the insults, create a support ticket. NO ONE WILL HELP YOU HERE, IN COMMENTS. This is why we have a support hub…

    1. Let’s be 100% honest so there are no hard feelings.
      No mod in the world is 100% safe. Anyone claiming that is a liar. Period.
      Because detection is done via statistical data and NOT by some specialized software (like BattleEye etc)
      More details can be found here:

      ZJ mods author: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2F4cheat.ru%2Fshowpost.php%3Fs%3D4281637e38a258d669effd1b84fff028%26p%3D1433387%26postcount%3D2070
      Me: https://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/10630-banned-from-wot-using-aslains/&do=findComment&comment=57266

      So, even if the mod is using a injector (like AVS), leaves no traces on the system since it’s working from RAM memory (like AVS), get instant updates and fixes (like AVS) the users can still act a bit more suspicious and get banned.
      So far, with all the ban waves we lost less than 0.01% of users. With over 16k every day users, we are (PolarCore based mods) the biggest EU provider. Being here would not be possible if we had any mayor security issues.
      But again, I cannot guarantee that WG will not develop some new tool and ban all users tomorrow.
      So, if you want to be 100% safe – DON’T USE ANY MODS.
      Hope this explains my position on the matter.
      The decision is up to you, are you willing to risk or not.

        1. 1. Antivirus
          2. WinDefender
          3. Neki treci software koji koji imas iz nepoznatog razloga…

          Da se razumemo, ovo NIJE nesto sto se desava cesto ili drugim korisnicima… TJ, ovo je definitivno lokalni problem…

  29. XVM doesent work with this AVS mode pack sadly. i am corect or is something i forgot to activate myself in settings. Thanks @admin

    P.S i am new user so thanks for help sir

    1. It’s NOT AVS, there is some general issue with all stats mods, looks like WG API for stats is having a bad day…

  30. Šta ako je igra instalirana na D disku a u setup-u nema opcija promene? Pise da ce se instalirati na C:Worldoftanks

    1. Ima opcija sigurno, AVS-u je nebitno gde je igra… Kontaktiraj AVS supoprt, sve sto treba, oni ce pojasniti..

    1. Hi mate,
      a HUGE DDoS attack was launched around 00:00 CET. The system did what it was designed to do and shut down. The data base is OK, we are bringing our services back online, one by one at the moment.
      This will take time, since we need to check everything and recheck again.
      Safety first…

      Best guess: today, during the day all will go back to normal. As soon as the site is back, we will launch our sync server (AVS syncs every time you login into the game, if AVS is not getting the proper answer from our server it stays in a “sleep” mode, security measure, in case something strange is happening).

      To clarify, all is OK, we are working on it, nothing is lost, the system did it’s job.

      Thank you for your patience…

    1. Hi mate,
      a HUGE DDoS attack was launched around 00:00 CET. The system did what it was designed to do and shut down. The data base is OK, we are bringing our services back online, one by one at the moment.
      This will take time, since we need to check everything and recheck again.
      Safety first…

      Best guess: today, during the day all will go back to normal. As soon as the site is back, we will launch our sync server (AVS syncs every time you login into the game, if AVS is not getting the proper answer from our server it stays in a “sleep” mode, security measure, in case something strange is happening).

      To clarify, all is OK, we are working on it, nothing is lost, the system did it’s job.

      Thank you for your patience…

  31. Best warpack ever, after 4 years never get baned at all. Evrything working perfect and nobody get baned and trust me I know a lot of users, you cant belive 🙂

  32. But frst time in my case, last night website is downed, maby working on it or someone shut them. I hope so they will be fixed soon at posible.

    1. Hi mate,
      a HUGE DDoS attack was launched around 00:00 CET. The system did what it was designed to do and shut down. The data base is OK, we are bringing our services back online, one by one at the moment.
      This will take time, since we need to check everything and recheck again.
      Safety first…

      Best guess: today, during the day all will go back to normal. As soon as the site is back, we will launch our sync server (AVS syncs every time you login into the game, if AVS is not getting the proper answer from our server it stays in a “sleep” mode, security measure, in case something strange is happening).

      To clarify, all is OK, we are working on it, nothing is lost, the system did it’s job.

      Thank you for your patience…

    1. Hi mate,
      a HUGE DDoS attack was launched around 00:00 CET. The system did what it was designed to do and shut down. The data base is OK, we are bringing our services back online, one by one at the moment.
      This will take time, since we need to check everything and recheck again.
      Safety first…

      Best guess: today, during the day all will go back to normal. As soon as the site is back, we will launch our sync server (AVS syncs every time you login into the game, if AVS is not getting the proper answer from our server it stays in a “sleep” mode, security measure, in case something strange is happening).

      To clarify, all is OK, we are working on it, nothing is lost, the system did it’s job.

      Thank you for your patience…

      1. Thanks for the clarification. I was also surprised that the WN8 colors did not work for me. So some idiot attacked you.

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