x60 X30 X16 Zoom In-Out Commanders Camera By Ekspoint & ShuraBB (without P-MOD) x60 X30 X16 Zoom In-Out Commanders Camera By Ekspoint & ShuraBB

– without P-MOD
– several versions inside

Zoom IN – Version By night_dragon_on, 4 variants:

Zoom IN – 60X – Version By Ekspoint:

7 thoughts on “ x60 X30 X16 Zoom In-Out Commanders Camera By Ekspoint & ShuraBB (without P-MOD)

  1. When using these to zoom in I am getting a blue haze showing up, remove them and the blue haze does not show up

  2. Im Curious with something do i need to keep Diferente Ekspoints cores for multiple Mods ?, or i can just use 1 Ekspoint Core for all the mods?
    (I have many like 30 or so)

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