WoT Tweaker Plus By Phantasm WoT Tweaker Plus By Phantasm

– for the mod to work you will need to have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5


Just files:

Hangar User Interface:

20 thoughts on “ WoT Tweaker Plus By Phantasm

    1. Fake ???
      You must be the dumbest fuck that posted a comment this week.
      The mod works, proof: http://prntscr.com/izw1lt

      But since you are useless brain dead fuck, it will not work for you. Get a brain than comment about ANYTHING…

  1. Easy to use, VERY usefull, dude, thats one of the best mods ive ever seen, i just would like to meet it earlier.

    1. Yep, a must use mod if you don’t want your eyes to suffer from all the crap on the screen. Plus the texture compression will allow wot to work even on integrated Intel graphics from 4-5 years ago…

  2. one must be quiet an idiot to download anything from russian sites….u get miners, trojans and a bundle of happy malware !!!

  3. Hi,

    Love the tweaker mod but this says 1.25.o but the zip file says 1.27 so will not load.


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