WMCleaner WoT Mod Cleaner By StranikS_Scan (ENG/RU) WMCleaner WoT Mod Cleaner By StranikS_Scan

– all-in-one solution for keeping your game client stable

– ENG and RU localisation

– cleans: “mods” and “res_mods” (Internal mods), Logs-files, Wotreplays-files,

– analysis and fix to “paths.xml” (External mods)

– game client stability check

– mods backup

Official AVSmods procedure on how to scrub your game client clean of any BS:


1. Open main game folder (c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\)

2. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\profile\rfs_cache\, delete all files inside. Those are cashed files and deleting them will NOT harm WoT game client. (http://prntscr.com/lvjndr)

3. Download WMCleaner from here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7gb3t0llrnwt368/WMCleaner.zip/file Start cleaner, scan (http://prntscr.com/lvjnyr), select all options for cleaning (http://prntscr.com/lvjo2h), hit delete and zip (http://prntscr.com/lvjo5g), when prompted to backup select no (http://prntscr.com/lvjo9n).

4. Locate folder c:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\ and delete all from there WoT related. (this folder is hidden, you will need to enable hidden files).

5. Restart PC

6. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. (https://prnt.sc/ra7owr). Send worldoftanks.exe to desktop (https://prnt.sc/ra7pee). Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP (https://prnt.sc/ra7pz3). From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game.

7. Check the game client: Open game launcher, find Check And Repair option (https://prnt.sc/ra7rfc), start (https://prnt.sc/ra7s14). Game will now check game files integrity (https://prnt.sc/ra7s79). This will take 1-5 min. Set the launcher options like this (https://prnt.sc/rlu63j). Close the game launcher by right clicking on the status icon in the lower right corner (https://prnt.sc/ra7t4w).

8. In game graphic settings disable auto-scaling 3D render option (https://prnt.sc/rfefyk) and set shadows quality to minimum or maximum value (https://prnt.sc/rfegge).

9. Delete file wgc_api.dat and wgc_api.exe contained in the main game folder: (https://prnt.sc/esgMxHuCWhEw)

10. Win 10/11 (64bit version) must be updated to latest version.

11. NVidia/Radeon driver also must be updated to latest version.

12. Restart PC.

13. Start game using the NEW shortcut.

16 thoughts on “ WMCleaner WoT Mod Cleaner By StranikS_Scan (ENG/RU)

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