Hangar Tools – Win Rate, Battle Tier, Ace Tanker On Hangar Icons By PolarFox Hangar Tools – Win Rate, Battle Tier, Ace Tanker On Hangar Icons By PolarFox

17 thoughts on “ Hangar Tools – Win Rate, Battle Tier, Ace Tanker On Hangar Icons By PolarFox

    1. Yep, for some reason the file is not updated in the data base.
      Incident report created.
      Thanks for the heads up…

  1. Do not work
    File “E:\EDRV\Data\wot\HangarTools\python\ifc_addons\hangar_tools.py”, line 16, in
    File “E:\EDRV\Data\wot\HangarTools\python\ifc_addons\hangar_tools.py”, line 28, in _initCountersHook
    AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘counter_settings’

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