Tundra Script By Makct, lelicopter & PolarFox Tundra Script By Makct, lelicopter & PolarFox

F2 – Tundra ON/OFF
ALT+F11 – BlackSky

– Tundra with full and partial transparency

– Added version with BlackSky

Settings are in:


Version by Makct for EU/NA/ASIA:

Version by WoTSpeak for EU/NA/ASIA:

163 thoughts on “ Tundra Script By Makct, lelicopter & PolarFox

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  1. say

    Erreur :
    ScriptLoader PRO v1.30:

    Error by executing script(s):

    Check python logfile for detailed informations
    [ C:/Games/World_of_Tanks/Python.log ]

  2. Rough night last night May 4. Way too much shrubbery and Speedtree is not working 100%.

    Hope this is fixed. If there is any one mod I need is the Tundra one. Its one off the best.

    1. I cant get it to work all this has been my favorite Tundra.

      But Im using the 64 bit client. Could that be the reason.

      Also not the 32 and 64 but folder have their own seperate mod folders now do we still put all mods in the main mod directories in WOT root ?

      1. The issue is connected with WG adding a 64bit game engine.
        The launcher will now start a 64bit (new) version of the engine if it decides it is needed. But, tundra (and a bunch of other) was created for the 32bit.
        To resolve the issue, you will have to start the game via 32bit WorldOfTanks.exe located here: https://prnt.sc/ph1umn
        So, that is main game folder, WIN32 and just right click on the WorldOfTanks.exe, send to desktop: https://prnt.sc/ph1va4
        Using that icon start the game – all should be working…

  3. A little update report here.

    This mod will not work when using the 64 bit worldoftanks.exe

    When I switch back to the worldoftanks.exe in the WOT root folder it works.

    Also Mavs Ultra fog doesnt seem to work so Im sure other mods are broken too for 64 bit. Some mods work some mods dont work.

    So if you are modding, dont use the 64 bit client use the one in the main root folder.

    There are 3 worldoftanks.exe’s 32 bit, 64 bit, and the one in the root folder.

  4. And one more update.

    Mod works fine running the worloftanks.exe in the 32 bit folder also.

    So there is an issue using the 64 bit exe with some mods not working.

  5. If I was only allowed to use one mod, this would be the mod I would choose. I can not play wot’s wo a tundra mod. Ive tried and I just cant do it. I would not be a good player wo this mod or other tundra mods. Speedtree seems broken now and this is the best IMO after 47k battles and 9 years playing the game.

  6. This isn’t working for, was working fine last patch. deleted all mods and cache, re downlaoded once the URL was updated but no joy.

    1. Just go into the old one, into the res mods folder. Change the old version number to or whatever is current and it will work.

      I cannot get this to run on the HD client. Has this always been the case?

  7. Its doesnt work version, date 23.09.2022, hour 01:26 game turn off in process of loading files. Usually i cut and paste my tundra from old folder to new and tundra still working for example from to, but right now at my old version not working too, this one updated from this topic not working too, other tundra mods from other sities too stoped working. I think wargaming changed something important in game files whats makes all tundramods was broken right now. Please try to fix this if you can, thanks you <3 or maby i changed something pls check this do its work or not or fix 🙂

  8. A res mods mappában az -ás verzió van,hol a 1.21-es verzió??
    Ez igy nagyon problem:(

  9. Not working
    Dr Webber and Tundrik NOT work all give errors after I do all steps explain up.
    Japomat not work if the game is not in C:

      1. Japanomat I could never get it to work. DrWebber, Tundrik, easytundra don’t work since… what would be the Japanomat steps or where do I read it?

  10. buenas noches, me gustaria saber si hay alguna version de pago que no haya que instalar en la computadora, siempre deja rastro,tipo versiones que se activen desde la nube o similar, a mi ya me han baneado dos cuentas usando como modificaciones el tundra, primero el dr webber,supongo que me implementarian algo en el juego porque me dejo de funcionar, me decia que habia un error, aun habiendo descargado la ultima actualizacion, y la segunda cuenta con el script tundra , gracias de antemano

    1. If I checked every mod, in game, you would probably wait for updates for a week.
      We use a unified data base for mods, if the mod is set as UPDATED, I post it…

      1. For the 10000th time, first day of the update, use Stealthz pack Tundra, that’s the ONLY one working the first day.
        Or switch to payed mods..

    1. My mistake. WoTSpeak’s Tundra doesn’t work with the new British tanks. It works fine with the other tanks. They’re already working on a fix in source.

  11. looking at the date on the files, nothing has been changed, only the folder and it doesn’t work

  12. I don’t know why you’re advertising version 1.28 of this modification. The WoTSpeak version doesn’t work on the WG version, nor has it been updated by Makct since 2021)

    1. its weird. Ive been using the same version for 3 years now but somehow 1.28 breaks it. Same goes for the Autoaim with snapping. It broke too =(

    2. Because he repackages it himself, changes the version number and that’s it, because in general it has always worked and now ZONK, it doesn’t work anymore^^
      But the Japonamat shit works, so you can use it.

      1. I don’t want to use any .exe type modifications, because you don’t know what else is being started. And this is how I see what’s going on in the .wotmod file.

        This old version from Makct stopped working in 1.27. That’s why I’m waiting for an update from WoTSpeak

  13. Não está funcionando, que coisa incrível, eu que sempre troco numeral dos atualizados e sempre funcionou agora, não funciona.. E aí temos que aguara, grandes amigos..

  14. emberek én eszt használom mert nincs más lehetöség sajnos – ( Tundra Script, SAE ) De hózá teszem ez müködik . 2 napja eszt használom nem olyan jó de nincs cumi. ( Tundra Script, Makct, Lelicopter és PolarFox)
    4 napja nm volt hajlandó javitani. szép lol- …

  15. Information:::
    If it throws you out of the game, you probably have two versions of the me.poliroid.modslistapi file, version 1.6.00 and 1.6.01.
    Delete the file ending with 1.6.00 and the modification will start working for you.
    It works normally for me now.

    1. Is it so hard to read the comments and see that the mod is working normally, you just have to clean you mods folders.

        1. thank you mr PK for your work, ignore those impolite jerks…..
          sadly, the Makct it’s still not working 🙁 (mods folder is empty)

          the exe (Japonomat) on the other hand, it’s working fine, but not the script.

          1. “sadly, the Makct it’s still not working 🙁” Does it work or not? Why are you so tense? After all, PK wrote that all you have to do is clear the mods folder and it works, so why are you lying that it doesn’t work? Are you serious?

          2. why would i lie? i said that i’m using the other mod because the script isn’t working…why would i need to lie?

      1. Just read the comments and notice that it doesn’t work xdd Other versions may work but the one from Makct doesn’t work even after clearing the mod folders.

  16. Mact script doesn’t work yet…
    me.poliroid.modslistapi isn’t script to be cleared….
    if u can fixed script that would be fine if u doesn’t will w8

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