Minimap Gun Direction By Ekspoint & Armor Minimap Gun Direction By Ekspoint & Armor

This mod will show you the spotted enemy gun direction on the minimap. Will make choosing the right direction or the time to move for you much easier.

All settings are in: WOT\mods\configs\ekspoint\mod_minimap_tankview.json

Version By Ekspoint:

Version By Armor:

29 thoughts on “ Minimap Gun Direction By Ekspoint & Armor

        1. So here is what ekspoints mods do:

          -tries to execute beep.mp3
          -tries to access Adobe Flash Player.dmg
          -minimizing game and crashing cefbrowser.exe
          -this computer was blocked.htm have to cancel process 5 times and microsoft
          -security essentials flags it and stops its.

          1. Beep mp3 – sound notification for a minimap indicator.
            flash player needed to display indicator on the minimap.

            and ffs, stop using MS “security essentials”…

    1. Best guess:
      1. old cashed files are having a bad day (solution: 1. Open main game folder (c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\)
      2. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\profile\rfs_cache\, delete all files inside. Those are cashed files and deleteing them will NOT harm WoT game client. (http://prntscr.com/lvjndr)
      3. Download WMCleaner from here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/51sexhjnkgqc4k2/WMCleaner+1.2.1.zip      Start cleaner, scan (http://prntscr.com/lvjnyr), select all options for cleaning (http://prntscr.com/lvjo2h), hit delete and zip (http://prntscr.com/lvjo5g), when prompted to backup select no (http://prntscr.com/lvjo9n).
      4. Locate folder c:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\ and delete all from there WoT related. (this folder is hidden, you will need to enable hidden files).
      5. Restart PC 
      6. Now for the pain in the ass part. Install all mods again 🙁

      2. If you use Stealthz mods they might be in a conflict.

  1. I would be glad to click on adds all day if it meant for this mod not to keep minimizing my game. I was one of my favorites,

  2. Someone care to provide step by step install instructions?
    Pretty sure I installed correctly but isn’t working 🙁

    1. And then, just before you download from WG hub, they warn you, that they cannot guarantee that mods are 100% legal 🙂

  3. Does it work… when I start the game it tells me ” Minimapgunmarkers, Download the latest version” ….

  4. Doesnt work at all.
    Check the files, they were last modified on september 24.
    Probably a bot that just pushs the game version number up but uses the same files everytime.

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