Battle Hits By Tornado Battle Hits By Tornado

Mod that will display, in hangar, exactly where have you been penned by enemy tanks. Excellent mod for battle analysis. All settings are done thru hangar menu.

105 thoughts on “ Battle Hits By Tornado

    1. Why help WG ?

      Those idiots force closed one of my sites.
      They treat the modding community like shit.
      Promote their BS web site, no.
      With all that money those useless cunts cant even gather 20% of mods that are fully legal.

      No mate, sorry. I’m far beyond helping WG in any way.

          1. You’re not helping WG in any way by uploading to WGMods, you’re helping members of the community that use or want to use your mod. I respect you’re probably upset with WG but taking it out on your user base is not how you give WG the middle finger 😛

  1. Hello, this mod does not work correctly with version Everytime i want to access it, it doesn’t load. I just stay in the current hangar. Could you look up what’s wrong with the mod? Thank you.

  2. I’d like to post my own mods here.
    Can someone please help me?

    Wargaming’s official mod site sucks big time.

  3. HELLO! Thx for your mods. I installed Aslan mod excepting “battle hit”mod. After that, I download this file and paste on correct folder. but, It doesn’t work. When I start the WOT, this message appear below. How can I fix it?

    ScriptLoader PRO v1.31:

    Error by executing script(s):

    Check python logfile for detailed informations
    [ E:/play/World_of_Tanks_ASIA/Python.log ]

        1. All major sites are now using one data base and sometimes links get screwed up.
          Happy hunting mate and see you on the battlefield.

      1. Looks like a great mod man, unfortunately I haven’t been able to download it yet and try it myself. Links broken for me, I’ve been checking just about every other day for the past couple weeks.

        1. Hmmm, links are fine since yesterday. Maybe browser is blocking the download since it needs to open a new tab ?

          1. Hmm tried disabling a lot of the security, as well as trying different browsers like chrome, edge, and firefox. Still getting a 404 status.

  4. for some reason even with a cleared mods folder…. it refuses to load the mod and just throws me an error window.

  5. Possible bug on the latest version: the background music when queueing up for a random battle is playing twice inter-weaved with each other.

    1. Unfortunately, the mod is made for the RU region. If the ingame menu is not showing any option for other languages, we are stuck with Russian 🙁

  6. My norton antivirus recently started flagging the download recently. Any comment? I love the mod and have always used and downloaded from here without any issues until the 1.8 update. Any comment? Thanks in advance.

      1. Looks like it, thanks. I just didn’t want to risk it as I can’t afford to have my computer go down for a period of time right now.

        1. I absolutely understand.
          And I will NEVER guarantee for any file.
          My advice, if you have a good antivirus, put the ENTIRE WoT folder into SandBox mod.
          So the game will run any all process will be contained there. So far, worked for me perfectly. And I do test a shit load of mods.

  7. WOT version is broken by this mod. When you damage an enemy tank their health bar or HP do not reflect the damage done. Also the icons on dead tanks stay bright red as if they are still alive. The entire damage mechanics of the game are broken by this mod.

    (I installed this mod only on a clean install of WOT version

  8. Asking because when you download it, the version inside is poliroid.battlehits_1.8.3.wotmod which doesn’t work on latest version… I am not really that stupid, and on WotMods there is an updated version…

  9. Occasionally when I click the Battle Hits button in the mod menu I get stuck on “Updating the garage”. Only restart fixes it

        1. Downloaded WMCleaner, Ran the WOT Integrity task, and even got rid of all my replays; everything but clean out the cache and profile, because there are no folders that are described in the “Cut The BS How-To”.

          I noticed that there is a Log generated but quickly deleted, probably after being sent to WG.

    1. As soon as a file is updated in the data base, then, and ONLY then is the post updated. Why Yusha decided to set this as working is beyond me…

  10. No longer works…ever since the ad sence went up the addon no longer works. Just bounces out of WOT and have to restart the game. Removing from app pack! TY! was good while it lasted…didn’t know how much I used this app until it was gone! Again, thank you for a good run!

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