DrWebber Tundra DrWebber Tundra

– probably the best and most stable Tundra for WoT out there

After patch, ALL TUNDRAS NEED A 64-bit GAME CLIENT TO WORK PROPERLY. Follow the procedure below to force the game to run in 64-bit mode:

Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. (https://prnt.sc/jnyTp8JGJ4N9). Send worldoftanks.exe to desktop (https://prnt.sc/rbjL0Bev-9bW). Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP (https://prnt.sc/F0SrmfPKE71M). From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game. New shortcut MUST be set to be RUN AS ADMINSTRATOR (https://prnt.sc/26erkg9).


1. All trainers are intended only for the 32-bit version of the game client and run with Administrator rights. It does not matter which Windows you have, 32 or 64. The main version of the game! Offsets (memory addresses) for the 32-bit version of the game are different from offsets for the 64-bit version of the game. Offsets are the addresses of the cells in memory at which the values ​​change. . (turning on turning off trees, sky, etc.)
2. DrWebber – without a miner. It’s just that the trainer itself is scripted and at startup it is unpacked, the “non-scripted” version of the trainer is launched, so antiviruses are extremely unsatisfied with this. A trainer was written on the Cheat Engine. + The trainer uses signatures in the search for working offsets, so it does not need to be updated after each patch or micropatch, only a very big game update can spoil it.
3. Japonamat – Trainer written in Delphi. In view of the fact that this is Delphi, this means an automatic constant load on the processor if very briefly. This is a feature of Delphi. Miner is not there, at least in the original source. + The trainer is written not on pure Delphi but on the HiAsm engine – a constructor, which gives an additional minus to the optimization of the program. The trainer is also protected by ASProtect, which gives additional false positives by antiviruses.
4. EasyTundra – it is written in C # (si sharpe) therefore it is necessary that .NetFramework is enabled / installed on the computer 4. There is no protection on the trainer, very few antivirus operations from 0 to 3 maximum. In fact, this trainer is the only one that is at least somehow optimized and there is no CPU load, although there is not a big minus in the form of NetFramework, it is usually always on the PC, but in some Windows builds the component is turned off and you need to turn it on.
5. All the trainers presented here on the spears in the basic sense work exactly the same. Use WriteMemory and ReadMemory. . . This windows API Wargaming can very easily intercept and ban anyone who uses it. But apparently so far they do not have such a tool in the client. . which is very strange. . it’s very easy to implement.
The differences are not big, somewhere there is a radio, somewhere a quick close of the game, somewhere a check for a bug with Alt + Enter trees. 


350 thoughts on “ DrWebber Tundra

        1. are dreptate …daca le platesti nu-ti iei ban…dar tot ilegale ramin bagami-as taoata maciuca in toata echipa WoT.

          PS. 5 ani am platit modurile si nu mi-a zis nimeni nimic , anul asta nu am mai platit si mi-am luat ban permanent…

          1. Foarte bine ca ti-ai luat ban permament. Idioti ca tine si ca polonezii meritati sa luati ban permanent. Cat de idiot esti sa le platesti moduri ilegale , roman idiot?????…..dar cum esti roman, iti meriti soarta de copil ratat.

      1. VERSION OF THE TUNDRA IS 1.7 !!!!
        Just like avs is now 10.4. Is it patch 10.4 ? N0….
        JESUS !!!

          1. Honestly I have no idea, since all free tundras are screwed at this point.
            They will be fixed, but when. Who knows 🙁

          2. You can try AVS for free. All new users can use it for 10 days without any reconstructions…

          1. Honestly I have no idea, since all free tundras are screwed at this point.
            They will be fixed, but when. Who knows 🙁

        1. can anyone know why i cant run tundra it pops out some lua engine (failure loading the trainer.reason:this is not a valid cheat table) anyone knows whats that?

  1. You motherfucker cheaters!! waiting for tundra,huh? that’s why today I got 95% win ratio out of 20 battles? GET BANNED MORONS!!

    1. You gotta be the sorries asshole of the day.
      You got 95% today because of retarded wg MM.
      Do you honestly think mods ruin the game ?!?
      And btw, wtf are you doing here ?

    1. No, you will use this tundra or I will come to your house and eat all the food from your fridge !!!

    1. There is no right one, this is for this patch also. It works normally, just that no one will code the entire mod just for these useless micro patches.

    1. So braindead zombies can as questions like this and NOT spend time learning what a false positive is.

    1. cz usualy hacks that can implement in programs or changing some files(like tundra probably do) antiviruses usualy detect that as viruses. Since the program isnt a virus but acts like one that can trigure reaction from antivirus and it is called false positive detection.

  2. Hi i have one question,this tundra with exe is safe for use?ndetectable?thanks for answer.

    1. So far there are no evidence that it is detectable.
      But, if you use some mod that is a “snitch”, reporting to wg, you are screwed…

        1. Dear “expert”, in order for a injector to provide you with tundra effect in the game, the file MUST use a cheat engine which your “top virus scans” show as a FALSE POSITIVE.
          You must be new here because a false positive was ALWAYS a part of .exe tundra.
          Next time don’t just look at the big flashing sign, actually invest 3 minutes of your precious time and read what are the warnings all about.

  3. This file is infected as other version of thie Tundra in the past. Normally secured system does not allow to open this dangerous file.

    1. Normally secured ?!?
      No, systems with shit antivirus and paranoid users who DO NOT UNDERSTAND what a fale/positive is and how .exe tundra works.
      In other words, yes, it is very dangerous. It usually rapes dogs and cats in the house and eats all the food from the fridge (sigh)…

    1. No need to install.
      Just unpack to your desktop, run the game, then just run Tundra.exe.
      Select which effect you need, play the game 🙂

  4. It’s the same file since May 2018. It was working fine, now it does not.
    So please, stop with this “free microsoft shit” because I did not decide to suddenly pack the old exe and unpack it with “free microsoft shit”.
    I use winrar and 7-zip on daily basis.

    1. So, 30k downloads and for some reason only people who are unpacking it like that have problems. Clean your twmp files with ccleaner.
      You do understand that the download link is from the author of the mod ?


    1. So, your logic is: everyone is wrong, I’m right… OK
      Same link and file are on: wotspeak.ru, 4cheat.ru and about 25 other sites. OK.
      It’s not working, the Vatican payed me to post not working mods. You win, I’m admitting. I sold my myself 🙁

          1. Sweet mother of God.
            It works on my pc, it works for 5 other people that test mods for me. It works. It’s not the mod, something is different/wrong with either your game client or pc setup. I just played 3 games with it ffs…

          2. So where is my beer now?
            Btw i allready had a 1.1M and as you can see the file is compiled long before the new update… So something else is doing this shit… probably some mod from aslain i also cleaned game cache with no luck.

        1. Yeah mate, I’ve tried running it as well, it doesn’t work.
          Same error as the other guy.
          Tried your file as well. Doesn’t work.

          In the time of critical need… The Premium Tank grind…

          Nemoj nam to brate raditi 🙁

          1. I found the fix.
            Run the Wargaming Game Center.
            Force check for a game update.
            My issue is that the game center didn’t update the game.
            It did a micro patch and now it works.

          2. Finaly a WORKING SOLUTION… Run wot launcher apply micro patch and it works… GREAT…

            Fala stari bog te jebo ubilo me kombiniranje update mi nije pao na pamet…

  6. The following should sound like the voice of Gunnery Sargent Hartman (movie Full Metal Jack)

    Holy mother God, what the fuck are you saying private ?!?! You have been running the game not updated and bitching here that the mod is not working ? What are you trying to do to my beloved core private ?!? What is you major malfunction ??? Did your parents had any children that lived ?

    And all this time these people have been bitching that the link is wrong, that the author had fucked up etc.

    WoT must become a special Olympic sport… We got some excellent specimen…

      1. There are some of us who use brain and run the game with its executable and not launcher cause its quicker and less clicking… therefore the game is buged by not runing launcher by defualt if update is available…

    1. 1. The article was written by someone who has no clue who made which mod.
      2. He has no idea how mods work and he has ZERO knowledge about what the fuck he is writing.

      A poor take from a guy who is making a living on youtube spreading lies and paranoia and making click bait videos.

      Destroyed objects was created by ProstoNoob
      Why would anyone steal you account when we make MUCH more money selling mods are making them work perfectly ?
      Just AVSmods alone has just over 10k regular users. Multiply that with the minimal monthly licence price.
      What the hell would I do with someones 600wn8 account ???
      Why ddos servers and make our (payed mods) lag ?
      No logic, no knowledge. Just a bunch of screen shots for the paranoid crow who have basic (click on the flashing nob) mindset.

      I would call this TIN FOIL ALERT article.

  7. I get an error with 1.5 Error: Failure loading the trainer. Reason:This is not a

    valid cheat table(Error executing this table’s lua

    script:Undefined lua error)

    Lua Engine
    Error:[string “form_show(UDF1)…”]:152:attempt to

    concatenate a nil value

    1. Clean cashed files, best guess some old cashed file is creating an issue. Use WMCleaner…

    1. Yep, always updated on time and working without any glitches/adds/virus etc.

    1. Clean WoT cash files (use WMCleaner), check python log which mod exactly is causing the crashes.

    1. It’s called a false positive.
      In other words, you got a useless/paranoid antivirus software

  8. so to speak to my friend, my antivirus will not be installed, despite the fact that everything can be ok

  9. I cannot change the Q button – Trunk Tundra.
    Whatever Key I set, E.g: Num 3 – Trunk Tundra, It still uses Q. The old version did not have this problem. I use Q for the radial wheel(Now, I have to change). Also when I chat in the game sometimes I press Q and that’s SUCKS it activates Trunk Tundra when I’m not wanting to. Why NO FIX?

    1. Best guess: you have too clean cash files because tundra has “saved” settings somewhere and now it cannot overwrite then.
      I would use WMCleaner for that but, this will also remove ALL mods from the system.

    1. Mate, get a brain.
      That is a payed post from WG.
      Only reason is to spread lies and panic.
      Stealthz, PolarFox, Pavel3333, Sae, Ekspoint are among the most productive coders that keep alive literally thousands of mods.
      They are the only people that make new mods.
      And those 5 people make more mods than all the “coders” that are working along with WG on WG MOD HUB.
      This just proves how useless WG is.
      5 people can maintain all those mods and 3000 WG monkeys cannot make a dedicated WoT mod pack.
      Please stop falling for their cheap tricks.

      1. And btw, read ahead from that post. People are making fun how who ever wrote it has ZERO clue what is what.

    1. Files is OK, it’s the same file for the past month (or so). from day one, why update it ?
      You are probably getting an error message due to old cashed files…

  10. Whyyy Keylogger?? I was about to donate, but when I saw keylogger I got sad… Please do a version without keylogger

    1. Yes yes, “about to donate”…
      Stop the bull shit and get a better antivirus.
      “about to donate”, sigh…

    1. It has too be always on during gameplay to create the effect of defoliation. Jeez.

  11. Hello, sorry to bother you, i havent played wot in like 4 years, i used to use “ilegal” mods in the past, like really ilegal like laser, tundra or that direction box that tells you where is an enemy you can hit (im bad at awareness haha), now that i came back, read on yt comments, wot forum, reddit, people gets banned by using them, not by somomeone noticing on a video you share you are using them but by simply using them, is that real? i mean if no one knows you use them, how dio they know? can i get banned by using tundra or laser now? thanks in advance for your time

    1. Mod security:
      Let’s be 100% honest so there are no hard feelings.
      No mod in the world is 100% safe. Anyone claiming that is a liar. Period.
      Because detection is done via statistical data.
      You can read about it here:

      ZJ mods author: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2F4cheat.ru%2Fshowpost.php%3Fs%3D4281637e38a258d669effd1b84fff028%26p%3D1433387%26postcount%3D2070
      Me: https://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/10630-banned-from-wot-using-aslains/&do=findComment&comment=57266

      So, even if the mod is using a injector, leaves no traces on the system since it’s working from RAM memory, get instant updates and fixes the users can still act a bit more suspicious and get banned.

      So, if you want to be 100% safe – DON’T USE ANY MODS.

      Hope this explains my position on the matter.
      The decision is up to you, are you willing to risk or not.

      Kind regards PK

  12. all my bushes and trees started flashing on and off in both modes full and sniper and cant control the mod, what do i do

    1. Looks like something is cashed within the game cash and it’s causing a conflict.

      We will need to clean the game client.

      1. Open main game folder (c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\)
      2. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\profile\rfs_cache\, delete all files inside. Those are cashed files and deleteing them will NOT harm WoT game client. (http://prntscr.com/lvjndr)
      3. Download WMCleaner from here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/51sexhjnkgqc4k2/WMCleaner+1.2.1.zip      Start cleaner, scan (http://prntscr.com/lvjnyr), select all options for cleaning (http://prntscr.com/lvjo2h), hit delete and zip (http://prntscr.com/lvjo5g), when prompted to backup select no (http://prntscr.com/lvjo9n).
      4. Locate folder c:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\ and delete all from there WoT related. (this folder is hidden, you will need to enable hidden files).
      5. Restart PC 
      6. Now for the pain in the ass part. Install all mods again 🙁

        1. ah and for the mods i only have a croshair mod, accurate damage indicator, dukes voice, no fog, and nothing else, less than 10mb

          1. That’s the “beauty” of WG cashing system. One tiny little crap can fuckup the entire game.
            In any case of game client gone crazy – just follow the steps above. That is number one thing to do. After that, well, reinstalling. 🙁

  13. Trainer failed to load. Reason: This is not a valid table of cheaters (Error while executing the script of this table: Undefined error lua)

    Everytime when I’m trying to run this tundra 🙁 How can I fix it?

    1. We will need to clean the game client.

      1. Open main game folder (c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\)
      2. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\profile\rfs_cache\, delete all files inside. Those are cashed files and deleteing them will NOT harm WoT game client. (http://prntscr.com/lvjndr)
      3. Download WMCleaner from here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/51sexhjnkgqc4k2/WMCleaner+1.2.1.zip      Start cleaner, scan (http://prntscr.com/lvjnyr), select all options for cleaning (http://prntscr.com/lvjo2h), hit delete and zip (http://prntscr.com/lvjo5g), when prompted to backup select no (http://prntscr.com/lvjo9n).
      4. Locate folder c:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\ and delete all from there WoT related. (this folder is hidden, you will need to enable hidden files).
      5. Restart PC 
      6. Now for the pain in the ass part. Install all mods again 🙁

      If the problem is still there, best guess: antivirus is blocking it.
      And, NO, I DO NOT RECOMMEND turning your AV off !!!

  14. Kako instalirati?Znam da pre kad sam instalirao odmah stavim na desktop i otvorim i upalim WoT,a sad traži da se extract-uje.?

  15. Keksu, Tundra mi pravi problem sa hard diskom. Paljenje kompa posle upotrebe Tundre (Win 7 x 64 bita)rezultira sceniranjem harda (CHKDSK se pokreće). Verzija aktuelna ( odmah stane i govori da je potrebno scenirati hard. Treba li očistiti keš klijenta ili..?

    1. Kad se zavrsi check disk, sta kaze izvestaj ? Taj proces samo win moze da pokrene, tj u toku igranja win “skonta” da nesto ne valja sa hardom.

      Pa ajde probaj ciscenje igre (cast i temp).
      Onda malo da pomazimo hard (CCleaner + SmartDefrag).

      Iskreno, pri put cujem za oakvo nesto…

  16. Provalio sam šta je bilo. Iskoristio sam WMcleaner i probao Tundru. Sve je OK. Izgleda da se Tundra “sudarala” sa Kelermanovim modom nišana koji koristim par godina (stock nišan mi se ne sviđa). Bez njega i posle WMcleanera nema nikakvih problema!!

  17. Nije ni meni bilo jasno. Ipak sam pustio par programa da proverim hard i…bilo je 2-3 weak sektora. WMCleaner je, verovatno,skinuo neke datoteke sa baš tih slabih sektora i onda je sve radilo.Ovako programi su izolovali slabih par sektora i nadalje nije bilo ikakvih problema.

    1. Yes majke mi, radi, ovo uvek radi.
      Skini opet, ili ga je antivirus bloknuo ili je otpakovan sa greskom…

      1. meni isto neradi mod otpakujem kao uvek ,,ali u zadnja dva dana mod jednostavno nereadi ,,pokrenem ga naormalno ali posle toga se sam od sebe ugasi ,,jednostavno nesto nee biva kako treba m,,haha

  18. Hello there. First, thanks for all the work you do and I really appreciate you helping us here. I’ve been using Tundra for long time now and I have never had a single problem until the last micropatch.

    Problem description: Tundra is turning off and on again in flashing cycles.

    I went through the upper posts and I seen a guy with the same problem as mine, so I already followed your suggestion/method of cleaning cache with WVCleaner, deleting files, restarting, installing mods again, running the game but it’s a no go, flashing Tundra continues. I even tried deleting mods and cache again, running vanilla game with Tundra only and same thing happen – it really gives me the middle finger 🙂 I am out of ideas. I am running Tundra from the folder added to exclusions of AV or Defender, so nothing is blocking it, it worked before.

    One thing I noticed and I can’t really find or understand it – how Tundra always “remembers” my button settings even after deleting it and cleaning everything? Is there any special place Tundra is unpacking its own settings and being ignored by Cleaner? I am out of ideas. Thank you, my friend 🙂

    1. My best guess here would be:
      – are you starting the game using worldoftanks.exe from the win32 folder ? (almost none of the mods are still working normally with 64bit game version)

      1. O.K, ajde na “domaćem” jeziku, pošto vidim da nije problem, a možda je i lakše. Igru startujem kroz WarGaming Game Center, sad, nisam siguran koju instancu igre pokreće – x32 ili x64, ali dobra ideja da probam direktno iz foldera. Probaću kasnije čim se vratim s’ posla. Od ostalih modova koristim samo nekoliko njih iz OldSkool ProMod-a – zoomout, xvm, jimbo’s contour icons i session statistics. Interesantno da do sad baš nikakvih problema nije bilo, igru sam startovao sa istim modovima i sa iste lokacije. Hvala! 🙂

        1. Probaj iz win32.
          Ako i onda zeza, sledeci osumnjiceni je ProMod tj neki mod u njemu koji nije updejtovan pravilno.
          Mi smo mleko majcino propisali dok smo namestili da AVS radi u 64bit rezimu.
          Kontam da velika vecina modova ima problem sa 64bit-a…

          1. Ma nije hteo ni vanilla, sve obrisano i clean cache bez ikakvih modova, konstantno neki flickering. Probam uskoro iz win32 pa javljam.

  19. Nece. Ista stvar – probao sam cak da ocistim sve opet i probao vanilla, bez modova i pokrenuo iz win32 foldera. Izgleda da sam neki maler, vise nemam pojma sta mogu da uradim ili probam.

  20. Yo plazma thank you for providing this, wish you well and sorry for the retards here that can’t take 5 minutes to read.

  21. Wot nadmasio tundru
    Sve zabaguje kada se ukljuci tundra
    Nema anti virusa niti nista slicno skidano vise puta tundra i vise modela
    od 4 decembra wot sjebo i to

          1. hmmmm.
            Bem’ li ga, jedino sto mi jos pada na pamet je:
            1. startoviati igru iz win32 foldera
            2. antivirus ili defendar da prave neki kurslus (ali NIKAKO ne preporucujem da ih gasis !!!)

    1. It’s the same download link supplied by wotspeak.
      When DrWebber gets updated, it will be there…

  22. this is not working.. when i start the program it says:

    lua engine error. this is not valid cheat table then close the program..

    1. i tried other tundra mods but those not working too.. i like use aim tundra but all options will aply full tundra..

    2. 1. All trainers are intended only for the 32-bit version of the game client and run with Administrator rights. It does not matter which Windows you have. . 32 or 64. The main version of the game! Offsets (memory addresses) for the 32-bit version of the game are different from offsets for the 64-bit version of the game. Offsets are the addresses of the cells in memory at which the values ​​change. . (turning on turning off trees, sky, etc.)

      2. DrWebber – without a miner. It’s just that the trainer itself is scripted and at startup it is unpacked, the “non-scripted” version of the trainer is launched, so antiviruses are extremely unsatisfied with this. A trainer was written on the Cheat Engine. + The trainer uses signatures in the search for working offsets, so it does not need to be updated after each patch or micropatch, only a very big game update can spoil it.

      3. Japonamat – Trainer written in Delphi. In view of the fact that this is Delphi, this means an automatic constant load on the processor if very briefly. This is a feature of Delphi. Miner is not there, at least in the original source. + The trainer is written not on pure Delphi but on the HiAsm engine – a constructor, which gives an additional minus to the optimization of the program. The trainer is also protected by ASProtect, which gives additional false positives by antiviruses.

      4. EasyTundra – it is written in C # (si sharpe) therefore it is necessary that .NetFramework is enabled / installed on the computer 4. There is no protection on the trainer, very few antivirus operations from 0 to 3 maximum. In fact, this trainer is the only one that is at least somehow optimized and there is no CPU load, although there is not a big minus in the form of NetFramework, it is usually always on the PC, but in some Windows builds the component is turned off and you need to turn it on.

      5. All the trainers presented here on the spears in the basic sense work exactly the same. Use WriteMemory and ReadMemory. . . This windows API Wargaming can very easily intercept and ban anyone who uses it. But apparently so far they do not have such a tool in the client. . which is very strange. . it’s very easy to implement.
      The differences are not big, somewhere there is a radio, somewhere a quick close of the game, somewhere a check for a bug with Alt + Enter trees. .

      1. Clean your temp files with WMCleaner.
        All tundras have cashed files, those files are creating the issue…

          1. and idea for turn on AIM tundra but this trash aply the FULL tundra… im use easy tundra bcs the webber is not working.. but after 1.7 patch the easy tundra is trash too… just press Q for AIM and aply the sht FULL why??? i did not change anything…

          2. Did you try Bosomi tundra, it using a different engine for the same effect. Maybe it will work…

  23. i tried that 3 version..

    webber: not working
    other1: AIM will aply FULL
    other2: the same..

    AND im use the easytundra mod and before 1.7 patch this version is work fine

  24. None of these work.
    Bosomi – i turn it on, it appears in my notifications (near clock), and dissapears after 3 seconds. Every time the same.
    Japonamat – turns on normaly, green color appears, but in game nothing… Trees dont dissapear.
    DrWebber – error message “Failure loading the trainer. Reason: This is not a valid cheat table (Error executing table’s lua script: Undefined lua error).”

  25. me funcinaba como siempre lo ha echo pero desde que pusieron el parche del garaje festivo no me funciona, y si, que quitado el antivirus y entrado en modo seguro para que no cree conflicto con otros mods y sigue sin fucionar

    1. I just reinstalled the win10 ( yes only for this mod) and now its working fine.. dr webber is running and the AIM tundra apply the AIM not the FULL 🙂

      1. Jeez, can you imagine this as the only working solution. People will ask for my balls on stick 🙂

  26. Why does it reduce render distance when I turn it on and off, and it stays until I exit the game. Before I turn it on I can see every tree in the distance, but after, I can only see ones up close.
    Is there another tundra mod that allows toggling with trunks?

    1. Pa niko kad nije za nista ove garantovao 100% Koliko je bio ranije i sad je. Ovo se skine samo od mene skapi patch 50.000+ pua. Da je skroz p[rovaljen, mogao bi WG lagano svaki patch da banuje jedno 100.000 korisnika…

  27. PKmods
    Please contact author of Dr Webber Tundra for I tested and found if you use with ST-II breaks Tundra. Works on other tanks fine. Thx

    1. OK, expert. What is it ?
      Let me guess, you saw 1.7.0 and you “think” it’s a old file ?

    1. Fake ?
      Mate, fu….
      Read the instructions or follow the link to the original page, it’s the same file !!!
      Jeez, if I had a dime for every brain dead monkey who can comment without using his grey matter…

  28. Ok, works on 32 bit. Went to source page and found new instructions for 32 bit shortcut. Until this update I used 64 bit, will 64 bit version return?

    1. VERSION OF THE TUNDRA IS 1.7 !!!!
      Just like avs is now 10.4. Is it patch 10.4 ? N0….
      JESUS !!!

  29. You have to make a shortcut for 32 bit, this version only works on 32 bit and not 64bit.
    >>>>Run the game through the executable from the Games \ World_of_Tanks \ win32 folder<<<<

  30. Okay, this thundra is best thing i know, but i can’t use it anymore. WOT were launching on 32-bit system by default but something changed on this 1.9.0 patch. Nothing bad with trainer it self. But then i release tanks on 32-bit’s on my machine game is fucked up, i can’t go even in battle because it’s loading something constantly or there is bunch of things and buttons are missing. Thx for good work Dr Webber but now i have to find other trainer of this kind.

  31. it doesnt work on 64 bit. and game crashes or stuck in hangar if I try to open it from 32 bit folder. hope will be released tomorrow. I m waiting for zj direction also. pls leave a note when u renew for 1.9.00 64 bit

  32. Yes, I experienced the same as you @Hoo..I tried to start the 32bit version, my garage was empty, nothing to do.

    I ve never had any problem in the past, maybe just a question of time…

    Thanks for the job, see ya 🙂

  33. until 1.8 workt in 64bit game mod, now, work only in 32bit game mod but the game shows the garage empty or aloot of other problems in 32bit mod… 🙁

      1. Kazem ja da radim, pa nece valjda wotspeak sa 200k donwlodova da stavlja pogresan fajl…

  34. If I launch the game in x86 mode, all other mods won’t work. Instead of trying to be smart, learn to write in 64bit mode.

    1. And what did you expect from fully free mods ? To be fixed ASAP like payed mods ?
      Keep on dreaming.
      This is what we have now.
      Will it be fixed ?
      Most probably yes.
      When ?
      Who knows…

      “Instead of trying to be smart, learn…” Oh no, I’ll just sit and wait until 200 “people” posts (without reading) OMG NOT WORKING !!! WRONG VERSION etc

  35. Pozzz plazma mozes li mi objasniti kako da skinem tundru.Posto kako sam je skino nece da radi trazi UPDATE VERZIJU

  36. YOU GUYS (web owner and modders) ARE EPIC. 🙂 Thank you for 64bit version. Works good. 🙂

  37. Hi PKmods thanks for this mode..always using now i cannot, small window pops up saying “cheat engine wrong version please update client” please advise what to do.. cheers mate

    1. Did you download the 64bit version ?
      Is you game running in win 7 or 10 ?
      Is your game set to run wot in 32 or in 64bit mod ?

  38. Hello. Please help. “Incorrect client version. You may need to update the trainer,” ???????

  39. Hello. Please help. “Incorrect client version. You may need to update the trainer,” ???????

  40. Great job!! Really. Works fine now for x64…much appreciated.
    For those who ‘re crying about trainer or another stuff, read the instructions first.
    Regards 🙂

        1. I can not update.he writes to me “THE UPDATE IS NOT APPLICABLE TO YOU COMPUTER”FOR ALL UPDATE

      1. Hi PKmods, you want believe today it worked :), i did not do anything it just worked. thank you.

  41. jeśli chodzi o ten mod to wersja 1.9 64bit chodzi ok ale czasami w trybie sniper i po wyjściu wszystka zieleń ginie bezpowrotnie .Jeśli chodzi o wersje 1.7 choć mam Wina7 i wszystkie aktualizaje to ta wersja do pacza 1.9 to jest lipa po właczeniu nie ważne czy normalnie czy jako admin wyświetla się komunikat INCORET CLIENT VERSJON ! You may to upadate the train .Sprawdzałem tą wersje 1.7 na wszystkich portalach włącznie z waszą i jest to samo. A 10tki nie będe intalował do puki nie zostanie finalnie poprawiona i przestanie mieć błędy. Ponadto jest pytanie kiedy poprawicie program na waszej stronie do zamykania interfejsu WG jest podpisana pod wersje 1.8 co skutkuje wywalaniem gry do pulpitu i zamykaniem interfejsu WG.Pozdrawiam.

  42. Excellent work. Follow the instructions to create the 32 bit desktop launcher and it works perfectly. Thank you!

  43. I wonder why these need to be .exe files when tundra by wotlabs was working perfectly only with a mod file …

  44. Getting major graphic issues with this now. Seems to be sorta random but some games trees and bushes do not render till im right on top of them and other games the ground is completely invisible

      1. seems to be an issue with the 64bit version. I have played a couple games on 32 bit with no issues

        1. Which game client ?
          64 or 32 ?
          Not windows, game client (sorry, 90% get’s those two mixed)

          1. the 64 game version is giving me the issues. When i force launch in 32 and use the over version it works fine. There is a issue with the 64bit version of the tundra mod.

  45. Jel moze mala pomoc.Koristim win 10 64 bit i tundra 1.9 64 bit nece da radi.Jel je potrebno da se instalira jos nesto ili sta vec.Hvala

    1. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. (https://prnt.sc/ra7owr). Send worldoftanks.exe to desktop (https://prnt.sc/ra7pee). Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP (https://prnt.sc/ra7pz3). From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game.
      In game graphic settings disable auto-scaling 3D render option (https://prnt.sc/rfefyk) and set shadows quality to minimum or maximum value (https://prnt.sc/rfegge).

      1. Namestio sve kako si rekao.Kad udjem u snajper mode tek posle 3 sec ugasi drvece i sve tako radi posle se samo pojavljuju drvece

          1. Ne razumes ne uasi se tundra nego kad udjem u snajper mode tek posle 3 sek nestane vegetacija i ostalo pa kad izadjem iz snajp moda tek posle 5-8 sec se vrate delimicno vegetacija

          2. Spor hard, prepun cash igre, problem sa drajverom, problem sa game enginom koji treba uskoro da bude resen (veorvatno micro

  46. Hi, trying to use Tundras 27.04.20 (1).zip, cant seem to get the tundra to work, have tried different keys. The ‘Fast close Wot@ works though. but none of the five tundra options. I am running window 10 64 bit. I have tried to run from both 32 and 64 bit WorldOfTanks.exe . Anything i can try? help appreciated, thanks for your work.

  47. does anyone know why the tundras by bosomi & webber need to be launched with an .exe file, when the one by wotlabs works perfectly fine as a .wotmod ?

  48. Hi , Why Aim Mode Does not work on ST-II or Dabble-Barrels ? When It will Fix ? @PKmods

  49. Hi PK ! Firstly i use this tundra since some months and i ve to say tht this mod is perfect but i had a question i ever been banned in industry event for used paid mods from zj and after tht i only used this .exe tundra but now i want to get the chieftain in next event so if i stop using it right now can i be banned after event or wg will not watch before ? Does they only watch cheats during event or over longer ? :0

      1. Am french so ill pass 3h translate all it can u just reply to my question directly ? ):

    1. 1. Open main game folder (c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\)
      2. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\profile\rfs_cache\, delete all files inside. Those are cashed files and deleting them will NOT harm WoT game client. (http://prntscr.com/lvjndr)
      3. Download WMCleaner from here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7gb3t0llrnwt368/WMCleaner.zip/file Start cleaner, scan (http://prntscr.com/lvjnyr), select all options for cleaning (http://prntscr.com/lvjo2h), hit delete and zip (http://prntscr.com/lvjo5g), when prompted to backup select no (http://prntscr.com/lvjo9n).
      4. Locate folder c:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\ and delete all from there WoT related. (this folder is hidden, you will need to enable hidden files).
      5. Restart PC
      6. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. (https://prnt.sc/ra7owr). Send worldoftanks.exe to desktop (https://prnt.sc/ra7pee). Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP (https://prnt.sc/ra7pz3). From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game.
      7. Check the game client: Open game launcher, find Check And Repair option (https://prnt.sc/ra7rfc), start (https://prnt.sc/ra7s14). Game will now check game files integrity (https://prnt.sc/ra7s79). This will take 1-5 min. Set the launcher options like this (https://prnt.sc/rlu63j). Close the game launcher by right clicking on the status icon in the lower right corner (https://prnt.sc/ra7t4w).
      8. In game graphic settings disable auto-scaling 3D render option (https://prnt.sc/rfefyk) and set shadows quality to minimum or maximum value (https://prnt.sc/rfegge).
      9. Restart PC.
      10. Start game using the NEW shortcut.
      11. Use the 64bit DrWebber Tundra….

    1. 1. Open main game folder (c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\)
      2. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\profile\rfs_cache\, delete all files inside. Those are cashed files and deleting them will NOT harm WoT game client. (http://prntscr.com/lvjndr)
      3. Download WMCleaner from here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7gb3t0llrnwt368/WMCleaner.zip/file Start cleaner, scan (http://prntscr.com/lvjnyr), select all options for cleaning (http://prntscr.com/lvjo2h), hit delete and zip (http://prntscr.com/lvjo5g), when prompted to backup select no (http://prntscr.com/lvjo9n).
      4. Locate folder c:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\ and delete all from there WoT related. (this folder is hidden, you will need to enable hidden files).
      5. Restart PC
      6. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. (https://prnt.sc/ra7owr). Send worldoftanks.exe to desktop (https://prnt.sc/ra7pee). Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP (https://prnt.sc/ra7pz3). From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game.
      7. Check the game client: Open game launcher, find Check And Repair option (https://prnt.sc/ra7rfc), start (https://prnt.sc/ra7s14). Game will now check game files integrity (https://prnt.sc/ra7s79). This will take 1-5 min. Set the launcher options like this (https://prnt.sc/rlu63j). Close the game launcher by right clicking on the status icon in the lower right corner (https://prnt.sc/ra7t4w).
      8. In game graphic settings disable auto-scaling 3D render option (https://prnt.sc/rfefyk) and set shadows quality to minimum or maximum value (https://prnt.sc/rfegge).
      9. Restart PC.
      10. Start game using the NEW shortcut.
      11. Use the 64bit DrWebber Tundra….

    1. 1. Open main game folder (c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\)
      2. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\profile\rfs_cache\, delete all files inside. Those are cashed files and deleting them will NOT harm WoT game client. (http://prntscr.com/lvjndr)
      3. Download WMCleaner from here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7gb3t0llrnwt368/WMCleaner.zip/file Start cleaner, scan (http://prntscr.com/lvjnyr), select all options for cleaning (http://prntscr.com/lvjo2h), hit delete and zip (http://prntscr.com/lvjo5g), when prompted to backup select no (http://prntscr.com/lvjo9n).
      4. Locate folder c:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\ and delete all from there WoT related. (this folder is hidden, you will need to enable hidden files).
      5. Restart PC
      6. Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. (https://prnt.sc/ra7owr). Send worldoftanks.exe to desktop (https://prnt.sc/ra7pee). Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP (https://prnt.sc/ra7pz3). From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game.
      7. Check the game client: Open game launcher, find Check And Repair option (https://prnt.sc/ra7rfc), start (https://prnt.sc/ra7s14). Game will now check game files integrity (https://prnt.sc/ra7s79). This will take 1-5 min. Set the launcher options like this (https://prnt.sc/rlu63j). Close the game launcher by right clicking on the status icon in the lower right corner (https://prnt.sc/ra7t4w).
      8. In game graphic settings disable auto-scaling 3D render option (https://prnt.sc/rfefyk) and set shadows quality to minimum or maximum value (https://prnt.sc/rfegge).
      9. Restart PC.
      10. Start game using the NEW shortcut.
      11. Use the 64bit DrWebber Tundra….

  50. After wot crashes during playing, I cannot start the drwebber. I have a bug – failure loading the trainer. reason:this is not a valid cheat table(error executing this table’s lua script: Undefinded lua error. I cleaned wot using WMcleaner – without success. Will be grateful for help.

  51. When I launch a battle with it activated, the trees and bushes disappear for that game, and pressing it doesn’t bring them back.

  52. Wotspeak download link is older client and not working. Use the Mega download link for the new trainer.

        1. Unpacking software can create such an issue. Old cashed files. AntiVirus can block it’s working, windows defender can also sometimes block it…

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