VANGA AimBOT By Stealthz & Lportii * VANGA AimBOT By Stealthz & Lportii

– two versions inside

– minor tweaks

–  old script and new fully redone

All settings:

Lportii Version: WOT\res_mods\1.x.x.x\scripts\client\gui\mods\mod_aim_lportii.xml

82 thoughts on “ VANGA AimBOT By Stealthz & Lportii *

        1. steam apps
          see all your games?
          should see wot file
          open and all folders are in there

          1. pk I tried it and I have a problem I still can not get it in English. see my problem is I am running a Mac computer I can only manually install the file and I can not run the .exe file because it is made for windows and not a Mac. I can manually install the file and it works fine but I can not put it in English do you know if there is a mod that I can use that I can manually install that will be in English please. because avs mods will no longer work on a Mac.thanks so much your friend killer_rd

    1. New mods are used by the game from MODS folder.
      Old from res_mods.

      So the only difference is install location. Usability is the same.

  1. Guys, i couldn’t make this “mod” working. I tried installing of every possibility.

    Mods folder / failed

    res_mods folder / failed

    I am copying all “scripts/client/gui/mods” to res_mods/
    every time and to mods / folder ,but it doesn’t work.


    Ребята, я не мог заставить этот «мод» работать. Я попытался установить каждую возможность.

    Папка мод / не выполнена

    папка res_mods / не удалось

    Я копирую все «scripts / client / gui / mods» в res_mods /
    каждый раз и в папку mods /, но это не работает.

    1. Seriously people, what kind of shit anti virus do you use when you got issues like this with Wot mods ?!?

  2. can Stealthz & Lportii (what ever) add this mod in there aimbot like if i want to aim the track or the softer upper part of the turret or hull…

    thanks…Plazma (PKmods)

  3. jak to włączyć aby działał wszystko zostało skopiowane tam gdzie powinno .Jaka kombinacja klawiszy numerycznych jest aby włączyć tego moda. Bo w dzienniku mod_aim_lportii nie widzę jakie są przypisane do uruchamiania numeryczne klawisze ,tak jak w innych podobnych modach.

    1. Links are now fixed, looks like an issue with our shared server. The only “problem” is that is based in RU region. God damn war… Thanks for the heads up…

    1. Hi mate, just right click on the target as you would for auto aim, the mod will do the rest (aim, find week spots, etc..)….

  4. powie mi ktos jak to uruchomic bo jak odpalam go pod 1 to nie wiem co dalej zeby mi automatycznie celowac

  5. Does anyone know what to do when I turn on the aim bot and it doesn’t want to aim automatically

  6. Vanga started blocking my keys in battle.
    All keys: mouse, ESC, WASD.
    When in battle only mouse motion is recognized.
    When back in garage, keys are working again…
    No interference with other mods, I tried with only Vanga.

    Any idea?

          1. Using mainly the snap, as it snap also, e.g. behind a building.
            If u have an alternative for that…

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