SpeedTree For Slow PC’s (50%, 25% and 0% leafs) SpeedTree For Slow PC’s (50%, 25% and 0% leafs)

– The grandfather of modern Tundra mods.

– Doing marvels with your FPS (yes, FPS will get bigger from this one)

16 thoughts on “ SpeedTree For Slow PC’s (50%, 25% and 0% leafs)

      1. I tried #brainuse and follwed your instructions of “open res_mods -> open Versionfolder (0.9.21) -> copy Speedtreefolder in”

        Still doesn’t work for me. Guess I will just stay a shitter

  1. How do you instal it step-by-step? I’ve tried every guide I found online and it still didn’t work for me

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