HawgPack 6.17
This mod pack is full of the best of Hawg’s own mods, that Will improve your play.
This pack Complies with WOT Fair Play Policy.
Its the Best pack that push all the rules too the limit on the Wot Fair play policy.

The new GunSights folders are located in Hawgpen :
AimDistances , Arty_AimTime , Arty_Distance , Arty_HealthBar , Arty_ReloadBar , Arty_Shell_FlightTime , Arty_Shell_Penetration , Arty_ShellSpeed , Arty_SplashSphere ( Hotkey B ) , Center_X_Mark , ClipReloadTime , HealthBar , HealthBarCircle , Hitpoints , Penetration , PlayerName , ReloadBar , ReloadCountDown , ReloadTime , ShellType , TankInfo , TargetPlayerReloadTime , TargetPlayerVision .

In the Hawg’s pack is :
(1) Hawg’s Xvm
(2) Hawg’s 60 x zoom
(3) Hawg’s Arty zoom out
(4) Hawg’s AutoLogin
(5) Hawg’s AverageDamage indicator
(6) Hawg’s BattleScore
(7) Hawg’s DamageLog
(8) Hawg’s 2 to row Carousel
(9) Hawg’s DamageLog
(10) Hawg’s HighCaliber indicator
(11) Hawg’s Hitlog
(12) Hawg’s Platoon icon markers
(13) Hawg’s Tank Sky Zoom Out
(14) Hawg’s Postmortem Helper
(15) Hawg’s Total HP Tracker
(16) Hawg’s SixthSense
(17) Hawg’s Real Time Battle Score
(18) Hawg’s Contour Icons
(19) Hawg’s Blue SkyDome
(20) Hawg’s Needel V_2 Damage Indicator (NEW)
(21) Hawg’s DamagePanel
(22) Hawg’s Paintball
(23) Hawg’s Small Carousel Flags
(24) Hawg’s RadialMenu
(25) Hawg’s Grim Reaper Battle Stats
(26) Hawg’s Spg & TD Tactical Minimap’s
(27) Hawg’s Cap Circle
{28} Hawg’s WOT players button
(29) Hawg’s Mark of Excellence
(30) Hawg’s Army Shell’s
(31) Hawg’s Advance MiniMap Arrow (NEW)
(32) Hawg’s Target Arrow
best mods ever